Chapter 5

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Logan's pov.
I cut the ropes off of each and everyone of my comrades. But, as always Aya isn't standing by me anymore. She's not even in the room. I was a little confused. I don't know why but I guess I just was.

" You guys alright?" I ask impatiently. They all nod in response. I lead them out of the place but I was still worried. Aya was no where in sight... Where did she go? Why did she leave?

That's when I relize what she did. She became a distraction... She gave herself up to Rorke again...

( Ayas pov. )
I feel my body ache as I'm pinned to a close by wall. Rorke wasn't happy with me. But I definetly wasn't happy with him either! My past caught up to me. But I'm changing how this story of me is ending.

" Why did you help THEM!" Yells Rorke right in my face. He made sure I was looking straight at him to. I just shrug and chuckle a little. He putts more weight on my now injured shoulder. I wince at the pain but automatically suck it up as I stare at Rorke. I showed no fear causing him to become a little more violent.

" You know you look very beautiful in this light Rorke." I say randomly as I chuckle again. I hear a low growl come from him. I tilt my head for a second studying him. He just smirks.

" Kid you know you can't escape and now the ghosts arnt either." States Rorke chuckling. I look at him confused. Thats when I relize exactly what he did.

In so little time he had broke one of the ghosts... It was in an instance that I relized it. I can feel my heart rate go up as I think of the thought of one of them killing the others one by one. Tearing them limb to limb.

" You couldn't have..." I say trailing off at the end. He just smirks causing some fear to finally slip in.

" Oh but I did my little student." States Rorke in a dark tone. I feel my body tense up even though I was trying to stay calm. " And now it's your fault that you left them to leave without you... You should be... Ashamed..." The word echoes throughout my mind. Ashamed.... Guilty..... All of the above.... I was feeling all those emotions.

" Rorke how could you possibly do that?!?!" I ask in a confused yet alarmed tone.

" It's something I like to call minipulating..." States Rorke with a grin. I can feel a little more pressure on my shoulder...

( Back to Logan's pov. )

We start heading towards where Hesh said the helicopter he saw was. But as we reach the place we don't see a helicopter.

" Uh Hesh I thought you said this was the place." I whisper directly to Hesh.

" Oh I did didnt I..." Replys Hesh. I look at him confused. " Woops what I meant to say was that I was lying and this was a trap. I left that out now didnt I?" As soon as he said that troops came pouring to our location. They pointed guns at us all. We had no choice but to give up. I dropped my gun. Merrick and Kegan do the same.

" Hesh, Why?" I ask curiously with the obvious pain in my tone. He just grins. As I look through a window I see Aya standing there forced to watch the whole thing. Rorke also grins before we all black out by getting hit with something.

( Back to Ayas pov. Once more... )
I feel something hot go down my cheek. A tear drop. Only one though. Rorke didn't allow me to ever let out my feelings when he was around.

He pulls me to look at him as he pins me back to the wall. I just look at him obviously weakend. His grin just gets bigger.

" I think it's about time jyou showed me something I could work with." states Rorke evily. I just stare at him. My nightmares always come true. The thing he can use against me always happen. And now that he's seen my weak point he will do everything he can to get me to break. I continue to stare until he decides to dismiss me.

I was taken to my room. I hate this room to... To many memory's remind me of certain things that have happend in my room.

I curl up on my bed as I keep my head in my hands...

(A/N: Hey guys its me! I hope y'all are enjoying! This chapter is one of my favorets since its so amazing! I hope you enjoyed and now I will leave y'all alone so you can vote and tell me if you thought it was good! Thanks guys! Enjoy as always,

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