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1st person: Tilda

( I'm going to skip to the part when they talk about themselves and...stuff)

"Music is magic. Bikini Kill got me through Catholic school. Hole's Celebrity Skin helped me dump my first boyfriend and my third. And Brody Dalle gets my adrenaline pumping" I said

3rd person: Still Tilda

"Music is the blanket that keeps me warm. It's the flag I raise when I'm tearing down the barricade. It lifts me out of myself and changes my perspective of the world. It's how I know God exists"

She states then takes a blue pill. "So, for the Itchy Nipples to share that magical experience with your audience, we'll need imported beer in our green room." She says. "We look forward to touring with you," she says then hangs up.

"Oh, my queen!" Her boyfriend bows "Well it's no Kanye rider."

she joked (I think) "I'll take an imported larger over a Coke and a cognac slushie machine any day," he says. They kissed. "Baby, you're freezing." he brought out,

"It's nothing" she replied. "Have you been forgetting your pills?" he asked

"The pills have forgotten me. The next batch arrived, I'm stretching them out" she replied. "Yeah but..." he paused, "you're cold like, like hit the walk-in clinic cold," he stated

"I am an ice queen when I negotiate. So warm me up" she smirks, he picks her up and takes her somewhere.

1st person: Abbi

My parents never wanted me to follow in their footsteps. My dad was a Kalaripayattu champion but he never pushed me to compete. The Seattle Times said my mom makes the best baguette in the city, but she never dragged me into the kitchen.

My parents wanted me to find something I loved. And what I love is science. Because science is truly the final frontier." I said, "Can't believe you sent that letter?" A friend of mine said "Why wouldn't I? It's true." I started

"It's desperate. You might as well tell them you suffer from a new genetic syndrome" she replied " It's "suffered, past tense. And that"s the next paragraph."

I said "Hey. Ignore her. I think your letter's great, it's you, passionate, honest, real. Oxford would be crazy not to take you," he said. "Thanks, Paul" I thank him "Oxford, what a waste of time.

If you want pure research, apply to Flux. They're the DARPA of biogenetics" She suggested "Blackwater of Biogenetics"

he replied to her. "It's Oxford," I said "Already?" he questioned "That can't be good," she said in disbelief. I looked at it and then back to my phone and took a deep breath.

"I got the interview!" Excitement goes through my body. "If I get this, I'll be moving to England," I said.

"oh my God I'll cancel my internet and get my power disconnected, I should donate that couch-" "You should probably be accepted first." I nod,

"I'll also need to get my medication rerouted," I said as I got my bag. "just, get your prescription transferred" he suggested "Can't, this stuff is hard to come by" Then I took my pills.

A: I forgot to add Y/n again, Lmao

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