Chapter 1- First Day Jitters

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Chapter 1

I stared into the mirror frantically trying to flatten out my horrendous hair. Through out the day, my light blonde hair had frizzed up in to what resembled a small dog. It didn't help that my anxiety was through the roof. I can finally say at the age of 18, I am about to start my first job. Actually I was about to start my new job in a couple of minutes. I quickly threw my hair up into ponytail and pulled my hat over my hair, looping my ponytail through the back. I smoothed out my uniform and put on my brave smile before walking out of the bathroom.
The restaurant wasn't busy, except for the older people who had probably been sitting there since lunch talking with their friends, though it was only 3:30 in the afternoon. I was asked to be there right after school to finish the paperwork I had failed to finish at home. Even at my age I can say I neglected to do my 'homework.' In my defense though, I had never had to fill out forms like my W2, then some of the website I had to sign up for didn't work correctly so I just had to wait. I sighed, thinking about how young I must seem to my boss and coworkers.
I walked to the front of the store where I knew I would find my new boss, Kasey Hampshire. Living in a small town everyone knew who Kasey Hampshire, the owner of Hampshire burgers, was. I had never met her but from talk I knew who she was and I knew how she acted, or i thought i knew how she acted until I came in for my interview. As a 66 year old women I was expecting the fragile old grandmother that everyone just wants to give hugs, nope. When I had first walked in and told her that i was there for an interview, she had sequeled and told me how she knew I would be perfect for job. It was definitely a better start to the interview then the scenarios I had made up in my head before getting there. Such as falling over the rugs I was now walking over. Once I had made in up to the front I quickly spotted Kaseys long dirty blonde hair. Short hair was another stereotype I had placed with old people that Kasey defied. Her hair was almost midway down her back passing up my long bob, which barely grazed my shoulders.
"Mrs. Hampshire?" I called out quietly from the other side of the counter. She held her hand up telling me to wait one moment as she continued to look over the clipboard in her hand. Hampshire burgers was half fast food, half sit down restaurant. Contrary to the name it wasn't just a burger joint. They were somewhat gourmet burgers without the presentation for gourmet meals. As she had told me the other day 'I refuse to make my burgers small sized with sauces slashed across the plate, Burgers are meant to be big and messy.'
Hampshires Burgers was a part of our town. People rarely just went there to grab a bite to eat, it was were you went to hear the latest in town. As a child, I hadn't eaten there many times. My mother was a health fanatic making sure we had all of the necessary nutrients. She'd say 'No restaurant uses fresh food no matter what they say.' So most of my childhood was filled with a strict menu. Even though now I can thank her for my fit figure and for not having a dependency on sugar and fatty foods.
"Girly, i told you to call me Kasey. Mrs Hampshire is so formal." She clarified, waving her hand for me to follow her through a swinging metal door. I walked to the corner of the counter and stop there for a moment. It was strange walking behind the counter, I felt like the workers were going to stop me. After what felt like minutes but was merely seconds I walked through the door. Behind the door was complete chaos. There was workers preparing food for the orders. Which i assumed was mostly coming from the drive thru, seeing as the restaurant was practically empty. There was people cleaning and stocking, running back and forth trying to get things ready for the friday rush. The equipment took up a lot of space leaving little room from the workers to squeeze by each other.
" It didn't take you as long as it has taken other people." I gave her a look of confusion before she went on to explain. "People that have never had a job, and even some that have, find it weird to walk back here. I had to come back and get the girl thats over there taking orders on drive thru." I laughed nervously. I hadn't meant for anyone to notice I felt weird walking through the back. It just wasn't something I was use too. I remember when my brother was younger he had ran back behind the counter and my parents had scolded him for it.
I followed this time when she kept walking.We turned into a small room that held two chairs, a desk and a lot of just stuff, peoples jackets, bags, papers, cleaning supplies. We sat down in the two chairs and went over everything. Most of the stuff we went over I had realized was actually much easier than I put it out to be. We end up getting done in a little under thirty minutes.
" Hey Kasey." A male voice said behind us, scaring us both and making him laugh.
" Jesus Christ, Landon." Kasey exclaimed jabbing him in the stomach. Which only made him laugh harder. He leaned over us typing something into what resembled a credit card machine hanging on the wall.
" Annabella, this is Landon. He's a manager but you dont have to worry about him. If he keeps scaring me I'm going to fire him." She joked. "I'm sorry that I'll have to leave you in his care but my shift is over. He'll show you how to do everything and if he doesn't, tell me and I'll beat him up."
" Yeah right, grandma." He spoke up. She huffed and made a sour face.
"Twenty or not, I could take you." She demanded poking him in the chest. "Well, I have to get going. Can you work tomorrow eleven to four?" I quickly shook my head yes. "See you tomorrow." I waved at her as she left. Looking up at Landon with what most likely resembled scared puppy dogs eyes. He looked confident. His brown eyes sparkled in the light.
" Since we aren't busy, I'll show you around and then I'll train you on cash." He walked around the restaurant showing me where everything was. He explained how if something wasn't in its place I could ask anyone, that they were all nice. He clarified that Kasey was very friendly but that she was very strict and protective of her restaurant. It was a bunch to keep up with. There was three main storage areas; a big prep area, storage room and a walk-in freezer. The prep area is where they kept stuff like spices and sauces. The storage room was mostly boxes for to go orders, cleaning products, and toiletries. The walk-in freezer had two compartment, one that was like a big refrigerator and one that was like a freezer. I stood in the freezer shivering though he didn't seem to notice.
" How are you not absolutely freezing?" I questioned squeezing my arm tighter around my body, trying to keep some heat in. I had been trying to inch closer to the door but he didn't seem to notice.
" I've been in here for a lot longer then we have. When we do inventory I have to stand here and wait for someone else to count then I have to recount and if we get to different numbers we have to count again and its ridiculous." He revealed.
" That sounds horrible, I literally couldn't. I hate the cold." I informed him, hoping he would take the hint and we could go back into the warmth. He smirked before turning back around and began to go over stuff we both knew he had already told me about.
" I think I've got it. If not I can read the labels. I should go learn cash before we get a crowd." I voiced giving him the evil eye.
" I don't know. I wouldn't want you to run behind while getting stuff out of the freezer." he said looking back at me grinning. He chuckled before walking over and hold open the door for me. I shyly whispered thank you as I slid by him. I sighed grateful to be back in the heat.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2015 ⏰

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