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Waking up in the morning was usual for the blonde headed girl. She didn't feel any motivation, or any rejuvanance to wake up and go to school. She mostly dreaded going to that place. Where everyone was hell bent on making her life miserable.

Yet she got out of the bed, rubbing her eyes with the heel of her palms before sighing and finally standing up. She went to the washroom and took a long, warm shower, picked her clothes for the day.

She got into a white baggie hoodie with black ripped jeans, her favorite rolex watch, her dad had gifted her when she turned 16 last year. She looked in the mirror and messed up her hair a bit, satisfied with the way it looked, she smiled.

Swinging her backpack over her shoulder, Fallon walked out of her room and went downstairs where her father was reading a newspaper with breakfast infront of him.

"Morning, dad." She said with a smile and sat down across from him.

"Morning, daughter." He didn't remove his eyes from the newspaper.

Fallon greeted her mum with a smile as she served her a plate full of waffles with chocolaty syrup and fresh berries, just as she liked.

"We'll be leaving for a business trip tonight. It may take a month this time." Alexis stated while taking a seat.

Fallon's face fell. Another business trip. Another month full of loneliness. She felt her eyes stinging with tears but managed a half smile and a nod toward her mother as she swallowed the waffle down her throat. She'd miss these warm meals.

"I'll be leaving now. Bye." She stood up and sipped down the glass of orange juice before heading out the door.

She got in her car and revved the engine, starting the car and speeding up.

She hated being all alone in this big house. The darkness scared her, it made her want to cuddle up to some warm body and never let go. It made her seek comfort in someone. Fallon sniffed as a single tear rolled down her cheek.

She parked the car in the school's parking lot and got out. Wiping her eyes and keeping up the smiley facade, she walked to her locker and shoved the backpack inside, pulling out the necessary books for the first period.

"Heyy Fal!" She smiled as her only best friends walked up to her and engulfed her in a bear hug.

"Hey Mon, Sam, Kirby." She hugged them.

"Sooo we have a new student this semester. Thinkin' about kidnapping him and threatning him to be our friend before the knuckleheads snatch him away as well." Kirby said while Sam and Monica vigorously nodded their heads.

Fallon chuckled at her friends.

They were almost same as her except Monica though. She hung out with some other cool guys at school but she also loved being with their small group, she'd never leave them alone.

"It's okay guys. We are the best." Fallon assured as they'll linked his arms.

"Righty right."

They walked in the classroom and sat down on their usual desks.

Colin and his gang walked in and Fallon felt her throat clench, she gripped her notebook tightly.

Sam placed a reassuring hand on her knee but she flinched back. During the times of her anxiety, she hated everyone's touch. Their touches only made her feel more trapped and suffocated.

Thankfully before Colin could approach her, the teacher arrived and everyone scattered off. Fallon sighed out a relief.

"Welcome our new student everyone, Mr. Liam Jack Lowden Ridley."

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