5.) The Mentor - Deku Angst (DADZAWA)

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A/N: this may or may not be All Might slander... and also dadzawa😌
TW: emotional abuse, overworking

Deku POV
I was sitting in Aizawa-sensei's classroom as he droned on about how to begin an interview. My gaze was fixated with the window that was placed next to my seat.

There were beautiful pink flower petals falling from a near tree. They had just about reached bloom and the soft wind knocked them off their wooden perch.

"Midoriya." I flinched as I turned toward the voice.

"Pay attention." Aizawa finished as I look up at him shamefully. I nodded in response, not trusting what nonsense words may slip from my tongue if I dared open my mouth.

"As I was saying..." He continued his lesson. I wasn't doing much better with concentrated, it's been a long day. This was our last class before the weekend dismissal and I don't really have any plans besides helping my mom out.

She wants to go through my room and sort out junk. She felt some stuff wasn't needed seeing as I lived in the dorms and only stayed with her on holidays. I often stayed at UA during weekends due to my training with All Might, which is two to three strenuous hours. I don't like his extra training very much, especially seeing as it hasn't been much help as of recently.

Now I'm just constantly tired and stressed out. I often get distracted and spaced out during class or fall asleep and Mr. Aizawa is getting less and less generous with my struggles to keep up in his class. The weekends are the worst of it. All Might doesn't believe that free time should be used for anything except training and he wants me at 35% by this time next week. I have scheduled at least five hours of training before noon this Saturday. These next few days will be exhausting.

I sighed as I let my pounding head pour forward on my seat and before I knew it, my head crashed on the wooden desk and made a loud banging noise and I was out like a light.


I lifted my head up to be greeted by the harsh glance of none other than my raven haired teacher. I let my gaze wonder around the classroom before I realized it was only the two of us in the room. I gulped awkwardly as I felt the guilt build up in my throat as my brain stumbled to figure out an explanation that will be good enough for my strict teacher.

"Midoriya." He started as I let myself stare back at him blankly.

"Yes?" I replied awkwardly. My hand fell to the back of my neck to try to contain a growing itch. Perhaps just stress from this moment of anxiety.

"You fell asleep in my class, this is the eighth time this week. I am slowly losing patience and I need to get to the bottom of this immediately. Your recent grades are reflecting the lack of focus and attention presented by you during school." His fingers lightly pressed his forehead as he let out a sigh. God this terrifying, will he kick me out? I can't believe I fell asleep again.

"What's going on, problem child?" He continued calmly as he pulled a chair next to my own and sat down in it.

"You clearly aren't yourself and I am not sure I have ever seen someone so desperate to be a hero and role model," he paused, "there is a reason behind this newfound behavior and I would like to be aware of it. I can't stop you from falling if you don't reach out your hand." He sighed heavily.

I didn't realize how much of me he truly saw. I wasn't aware how much I had changed since All Might started pressing me to train harder to achieve higher goals.

"Training." I gave him a honest answer. He didn't need to know about the All Might problem, at least not for now.


"You have never had a problem balancing your training and schoolwork before. I would like to know more about the root of this issue so I can give you the help you need. If you would like to talk this through with another staff member instead, that is fine as well. My only current wish is to help you." He finished. His dark gaze soon met my own and I felt the concern he conveyed through his calm words. This was probably the most emotion I had ever seen him express.

"The truth is..." I gulped nervously. "I just picked up a different schedule with training and such, it's nothing to worry over, I promise." An attempt was made to give him a flashy smile, in hope he would buy my story.

"There is more to it than that and we both know it. Stop lying please, you need to let others help you." He took a short breath before slipping into silence. He seemed to be analyzing my current state as gears turned in his head.

"I believe this has to do with All Might." I gritted my teeth slightly which didn't go unnoticed by my eye bagged teacher.

"What's going on with your training with All Might. I'm assuming the pressure of increasing your skills was raised and in hopes of reaching said goals, everything else is deteriorating." Aizawa voiced his concern with an empathetic voice.

"Would you like me to speak with him or would you like to. This is not an optional conversation and if he is pushing you too hard then nothing is being achieved. There is a line between putting in extra work and having orders hammered into your mindset." Aizawa explained.

God I'm not sure if All Might will live to see another day if I explain much more of the training and what it consists of to Aizawa. He truly is like a father to all of his. I internally chuckled at that. I wanted this torture to be over but I'm not sure if Aizawa talking to my mentor was the best course of action in this situation I happen to be in.

"I think I should be the one to talk to him." I let my gaze leave my lap so I'm looking my teacher in the eye again.

"I completely agree, glad that was sorted out, now for the next step. Would you like me to guide you on how to approach him on this issue?" Aizawa questioned.

"You need to have a set plan before talking this out, I would like to hear your ideas on this matter." He simply stated.


"Thank you Mr. Aizawa, that was really helpful. I'm glad we were able to have this conversation." I grinned fondly at my teacher that stood before me at his desk. He simply nodded at my comment.

"Of course problem child, I hope this is promptly sorted out. I expect you to voice your concerns to All Might at some point this weekend and come ready to learn Monday. If any problems arise regarding this simply email me and I will answer as soon as I can. I wish this gets sorted out easily, if it does not, tell All Might he will have to deal with me next. Remind him that I'm not as understanding as he may think." I saw a vicious smirk befall my teachers face which made me want to laugh, however, I held back the urge to do so.

I walked off to confront my mentor on his teaching methods and sort out this mess so no murder is to be commited


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