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And one day he said it.

"I want you to meet my parents."

Hailey had scoffed , her proud nature getting the best of her but Todd didn't give up. He kept coming to her all girls college , a curse of Ethan , and kept meeting her. Giving her his toothpaste smiles. .he was fine alright. .but he wasn't Van. . .

She would then compare Van with Todd and felt distaste in her mouth. Van was. .Van. .with big black eyes ...she knew Todd would kiss the ground she walked on but Van? He won't.

Sometimes she felt he liked her in some way. . .but then not once did his words or behavior said it otherwise. Not once did he try to touch her or tell her . .everyone in the house knew it was hard to get a word out of him until he didn't feel like it.

She leaned against the pillar watching the car go out of the drive way and then a blue Porsche slipping in , making her stand straight.

Oh she knew who it was. .

A tired Van stepped out of the car and in hand he carried a brief case , even in his haphazard manner Hailey couldn't help but stare at him. How can a man look so effortless? The sleeves folded to his elbows and the red tie loosened up, the pants snug-

"Where did they go?" He shattered her inner praises of him.

Hailey rolled her eyes. "To get her daughter in law."

His big eyes widened and her heart thumped . .he had the kind of eye that just made you spill everything.

"Daughter in law?" He repeated in disbelief.

She nodded. "Oh don't worry. Thompson died. You'll see the Picasso painting soon that Dad got for Ethan."

Van pressed his full mouth in a tight line not at all liking the bite in her tone after all , whoever the girl was..
She was going to be family.

"You shouldn't worry about something that doesn't concern you." Unintentionally his tone got hard and her brown eyes turned cold.

"He's my brother." She reminded him.

Van didn't wait and climbed on the stairs , giving her his back.

"Yeah and his father selected her."

Hailey stomped her feet at his comment. Why did she always lose when it came to him?!


Whistling , Ethan climbed down the stairs and everyone on the table glanced his way. He looked back in his normal state , fresh and ever alluring.

"'Sup guys? Why such silence? I can hear it." He smirked now going to his usual chair on the dinner table.

"Hello people?" He waved his hand and Astrid got up in silence and left the table. So did Jake and then Hailey.

Mr Young was bringing Grace and everyone was forbidden to talk to Ethan about it so the job had been given to Van.

"That's weird."

"How are you feeling?" Van asked , sipping on his coffee.

He shrugged his heavy shoulders. "Handsome as always."

"Ethan ," he out the cut back on the table ,"Grace is going to be the best decision of your life."

Ethan who was busy on his phone said ,"Who?"

"Grace Thompson." Van stressed.

Ethan continued on his phone and cocked a brow. "Who?"

"You can't be serious right now , mate. Your wife that's who."

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