Chapter One

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So this is my first proper Wattpad book, and by proper I mean I'm going to actually finish this one. I'm determined! Updates may vary for a while because exams kinda take priority but after that, depending on how this goes I might make this a regular occurrence.

After the long tedious goodbyes to my parents I was off. I was finally going to reinvent myself. No longer dorky Mia who pissed her self in Year three, university Mia is going to be sexy Mia. God what am I thinking, Sexy? I can barely take a photo where my eyes and smile work in unison. How an earth did I think I could be sexy?

Maybe I could start with Intelligent Mia, studying maths and then become Mia the smart and sexy girl? Nope. thinking like that is just going to get me back into the nerd corner and spending the last ten years there was not fun.

So Sexy was now off the tables, sexy was definitely not something I can do. What can i even do? Maths? Was that it? I guess I can dance but that wasn't something I openly told people. Maybe this year will be a year of new secrets, maybe I'll just be Mia, I'd have to find her first though. I know I'm not going to manage that studying Maths and waitressing but I'm sure somewhere along the way it'll slot itself right in.

I pulled my car into the Betsy's Dinner, who knows what a diner was doing in Scotland but it was going to be my place of work for the next wee while so I'd have to grow to love it.

I couldn't decide if the place just looked run down or was trying to go for a vintage feel. Either way the place looked awful. As I walked in I only saw one couple at a booth. It was pretty late so maybe that was why but I was glad that working here looked like a pretty easy job.

A perky looking old lady came up to great me. "Hey Doll face looking for something to eat?" she asked. My stomach answered for me with a loud grumble, it had been a long day. "I'll take that as a yes" she grins as she led me to a booth. Although the place was run down, there was something about it that just made it feel homely.

"Genner will take your order when you're ready" I nod as she points to the boy leaning against the bar. His brown hair flops over his sweet green eyes as he smiles at me. It might just be because I'm tired but I swear he winks at me. I quickly look down at my laminated menu, trying not to make it seem like I was staring. I see nothing but grease, usually I'd try opt for the healthy option by god I was hungry.

"So what can I get you gorgeous?" I jumped startled by the break of silence.

"Do they make you call me that?" I ask, who knows how far Betsy would go to give her guests the cheesiest experience in the country. She did call me doll face maybe it's a thing here?

"Yes but I also happen to find you a stunner" I chuckle, clearly he's had a long day too. Working here could be, interesting.

"So?" I realise my jaw is still open from the shock of his comment I look down at the menu to avoid his gaze. "Don't flatter yourself too much doll they make say that too." Great so now I've made myself Mia the girl who takes compliments way too seriously.

"Must be a great way to pick up girls" I say sarcastically.

"Sure is" he says with a wink. Great so lets just hope I won't have to work any shifts with this douche. I make my order and pray that someone else will bring it to me.

Unfortunately luck isn't on my side. Genner brings me my food and then slides into the other side of the booth. Great.

"That's a lot of food for someone with you're figure" he says just as I've stuffed a few fries in my mouth. I give him the death stare. "What? A girl who can eat is a big turn on" In what world? Yeah he's defiantly a big douche. "Maybe we started off on the wrong foot, I'm Genner"

"Mia" I reply.

"Mia" he repeats. "That is one of the sweetest names I've heard." Against my intuition I think I might just like him. We talk until I finish but I decide I need to keep my distance. Boys of his type are never a good idea. Plus if we're going to work together nothing can happen anyway.

He clears my table as I get up to go. "So will I be seeing you around stunner?" he asks. And against my own judgement I reply with, "yea, I'd like that a lot"

As I get in the car to drive to the halls I kick myself for flirting with him. Even I nothing happens he'll still probably end up hurting me, boys like that need to be avoided. Even if they are incredibly handsome.

The song I listened to while writting this is Mumford&Sons Believe. I hope you like this first chapter. Let me know what you think x

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2015 ⏰

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