Chapter 7

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Rosé awoke to the feeling of someone gently shaking her.

"Rosie, wake up..."

Rosé slowly opened her eyes, hazy and confused from sleep. She squinted from the sunlight that was streaming in through the window. But the moment she saw Jennie, kneeling by the bed and with her hand on Rosé's shoulder, everything started making sense. Memories from the previous night flooded back into Rosé's mind.

Rosé's eyes snapped open and she abruptly sat up. She looked around. Everything was normal. Well, as normal as it could be. She was in her pajamas, in Jennie's bed. Jennie was fully dressed and had just woken Rosé up. Jennie looked concerned that Rosé seemed startled.

"What time is it?" Rosé asked.

"Don't worry, you're not late for school," Jennie assured. She must've taken the liberty of acting as Rosé's alarm clock since Rosé hadn't slept in her own room.

"Did... did Dad come home?" Rosé asked hesitantly.

Jennie shook her head. "He stayed out all night. Ended up staying in a hotel room because his conference ended late."

"Oh," Rosé replied.

A short silence.

"Go," Jennie shooed Rosé out of the bed jokingly. "I made you breakfast already."

Rosé followed Jennie's instructions and started getting ready for school. She thought it'd be weird seeing Jennie in the morning after last night, but Jennie was acting completely normal as if nothing had happened at all between them. In hindsight, the fact that Jennie was acting normal was making it even stranger for Rosé. She couldn't just forget everything and go back to the way things were. She didn't want to. But was that what Jennie wanted? Rosé didn't want to jump to conclusions. It was too early in the morning anyway.

Jennie was cleaning up in the kitchen just as Rosé was about to leave for school.

"Jennie," Rosé called out to her.

Jennie turned around.

"I'm not coming home for dinner today," Rosé said. "I'm going out to eat with Joy."

Jennie remembered. She tried not to show anything on her face. "Okay."

"I meant what I said yesterday, that I like you," Rosé suddenly confessed.

Jennie froze, stopping whatever she was doing. She obviously wasn't expecting Rosé to bring it up so soon. "Rosie-"

"Not just for your body, I mean... I like you as a person. I have feelings for you," Rosé continued. The awkwardness was crushing her like a ton of bricks but she knew she had to be direct with Jennie, to prevent future regrets.

Jennie let the silence hover between them, and still, Rosé stood, staring earnestly into Jennie's eyes. Finally, Jennie sighed.

"Go to school, Rosie."

Rosé went. But for the whole day, she was unable to concentrate much in class. It wasn't new, but she was particularly distracted today because of thoughts about Jennie.

Rosé was convinced her love for Jennie was real, more real than anything she'd ever felt before. Jennie was beautiful, both inside and out. Yet as Rosé was engaged in her thoughts throughout the day, she began to understand Jennie's hesitation, she thought. If Jennie truly felt something for her like she said she did, whatever that was, Jennie was still the responsible adult between the two of them. Rosé could only imagine the stress of Jennie's dilemma.

Jennie was probably the best person to ever walk into Rosé's life, but their circumstances were so difficult. Rosé could only hope.

She forced herself to snap out of her stupor at the end of the school day. Rosé had basketball practice, and as the team captain, she had to lead by example. And that meant not walking around like a zombie.

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