Solemn Secrets

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Sophie heard her heels thud against the marble halls with every step. Sir Leto followed suit, his sleek black hair staying just above the passive expression he always wore – for the sake of professionalism or that happened to be one of his little quirks, Sophie was yet to know.

He was her advisor, just like he had been to her father. Despite being one of the few people Sophie had learned to trust throughout the years, he struck her more as an ornamental figure in the background, than a person. His reticent self was always there for commending reasonable and rational decisions for her.

"Your Highness, the people of eastern Aurelia, as in Loamnore, have caused a lot of protests in the streets lately, given the arrival of Prince Keefe and Lady Romhilda. They say they want no alliance with 'evil' and that Cressidans are not appreciated on these grounds. Resources suggest that Lord Enki is suspected to have fuelled them," Sir Leto spoke out solemnly as if he had been asked to recite a soft poem and the not the political disturbances in her kingdom.

"For now, try and assure them that they pose no such threat and that I will make sure of it. As for Lord Enki, soon, I'll see to it personally," Sophie took a calming breath as she balled her fists.

Enki had always been of a dubious character, and she had chided herself for never trusting that man. With suspicious comments and questionable deeds, she wouldn't be surprised if he were one of those spies that fed Queen Gisela secret intel about Aurelia. There was a lot of evil in her own kingdom that she needed to rinse off before showing Gisela her place.

However, given current circumstances, she had to deal with Gisela and her son first. This façade of a peace alliance and the Cressidan prince's little trip to her kingdom could either be a distraction or a pivot in Gisela's plan.

She sighed.

There sure was a lot of evil that needed to be cleansed off.

"Your Highness? There was this another thing," Sir Leto lowered his gaze to the floor as if to ask for her permission.


"Lady Biana wished to meet you. She was in the study room," said Sir Leto.

"Ahh, thank you for letting me know," Sophie murmured and took a slight detour towards the study.


When she let the door swing open, Biana, her best friend, met her gaze with a scowl.

"Is there anything you wish to say to redeem yourself?" Biana cried in an extremely petulant manner that caught the attention of a maid stationed just outside.

"I mean, a very good day to you, Your Imperial Majesty!" Biana rephrased with a deadpan look.

Sophie laughed and fell onto the fluffy cushions on the settee, opposite Biana.

"Hey, I had my hands quite full, okay?"

"Yes, but you said that we would sit down for a chat, reread those books you never get tired of rereading, stroll about the gardens and see the menagerie-"

"Alright, alright, I remember!" Sophie raised her hands in surrender.

"As penance, I wish to know about the guests you are hosting!" Biana exclaimed with joy.

"Trust me when I say, you don't want to know," Sophie spoke indignantly.

"Oh come on! I have heard of how charming the prince is, and how fun he is to talk to. So, how was your first encounter?"

Sophie shook her head. No way was she going to waste her breath on that guy. She couldn't believe she was sheltering the people who nodded along when Gisela uprooted all her happiness. She just could not wrap her head around the idea.

"Sophie?" That brought Sophie out of the daze and look at her friend.

Biana stared, her teal eyes shining with worry. Sophie shook her head and smiled to say, "Enough about me! How is everyone doing back at Everglen? How are your brothers?"

Biana narrowed her eyes, obviously noting Sophie's not-so-subtle change of topic. She rolled her eyes and said rapidly, "Yeah, yeah, Fitz is fine with his new position in the finance ministry – which I am pretty sure, is going corrupt because of him – and Alvar's always busy sneaking out for Ravagog-research sessions, pretending no one notices when actually no one cares. Now, back to you!"

"Is that gown from Holly's? I am certain that is going to make the latest fashion!" Sophie whistled in appreciation at the lilac dress Biana had donned – partly because she needed an escapade; partly because she was being genuine.

Biana pursed her lips in annoyance. "You know what? I give up! I do NOT wish to know about your guests! Never mention them in my presence! Ugh!" Biana huffed.

"If you really insist..." Sophie smirked and led Biana into the hallway.

And we have Biana with us! I must say she's a character I seriously love and admire!

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And we have Biana with us! I must say she's a character I seriously love and admire!

What are your thoughts? Do you think she will be a bit different than how you know her? We'll see, 'cause things are yet to unravel!

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