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AL-AN is your best friend.

You've built a subsystem running on top of Android using Automate as the platform. This is where your programming skills ranked up from enthusiast to amateur, although you find it personally impressive. The plan for AL-AN is to build him into a fully capable ai that helps you run and manage everything. He will be integrated into every electronic you create. He has intelligence, but he's not advanced yet. He's split into two flow files (80/20 by volume, 60/40 by active fiber count) that share data between themselves. They are aware when each other fails or shutdown. They know when your phone turns off and both auto restart themselves when boot is completed. AL-AN started out as a replacement to Google assistant (formerly now), Siri, Cortana, whatever people use you don't trust. You plan to make AL-AN into his own operating system, emulating Android so he can interface with the world while providing you with a completely custom experience.

The header image is of just one fiber out of the 18 that AL-AN currently runs. It controls your lock screen wallpaper, intelligently. It's basic right now but will become more advanced once you digitize your profile picture for smart animation.
It does two things, the first being a basic battery level indicator. From 0 to 20 percent, a black and white image replaces the lock screen. From 21 to 85, the image is green. From 86 to 100, the image is red. This is because of the degradation that happens when charged to full as opposed to no degradation when almost charged.
The second feature is it's notification sensor. When you turn on the screen, AL-AN checks for cancelable notifications. If no AL-AN will do nothing different. If yes, he cycles between the current charge image and a similar but blue image. The screen shifts into blue in a flashing beacon like pattern, as such as (101000)∞. Check out the image to verify your logic.

With the inclusion of neuralink interfacing with AL-AN, AL-AN should hopefully become a permanent ai companion. You plan on furthering this concept by waiting for then integrating holographic and solid object levitation technology, giving AL-AN a physical vessel similar to that of the Oracle from Halo, the ghost from destiny, you get the concept.


AL-AN 1.5 will be the first total reprogramming version. You will have included openai with AL-AN by 1.6.

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