Chapter 55

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 Song Yu was terrified as he listened on the sidelines. He always felt that his friends had too many burdens. He didn't expect him to have such thoughts at all. It was just because it was not a matter of his own life. .

Shouldn't it be? Song Yu rubbed his fingers, and with what he knew about Jiang Ming, he shouldn't be defeated by such a thing, something must have happened in a place they didn't know.

Because he was too shocked by what Jiang Ming said, Song Yu chose to ignore what was wrong in the conversation between the two: why did Jiang Mo tell his inner thoughts and the whole thing when he asked, these secrets, even he didn't want to face them The right idea, how could it be possible to say it casually.

Jiang Mo was a little surprised to hear Jiang Ming's answer, himself? According to Jiang Ming's meaning, he said those words himself, how is this possible, is it possible that he still has another self in his heart?

Jiang Mo removed the power from his voice, and the conversation between the two continued. Only this time, Jiang Mo didn't ask any more questions. He listened to Jiang Ming's story in silence.

Even the most secret thoughts in his heart were spoken, and Jiang Ming no longer held back when he talked about other things.

"These are the things that happened."

After saying these words, it was as if a boulder was removed from his heart. No matter what the result was, he felt much more relaxed now.

"Jiang Ming." Jiang Mo said, his voice was still calm, as if what Jiang Ming had just said had not left any trace in his heart.

Hearing Jiang Mo shouting out a familiar name, Jiang Ming's heart froze. Sure enough, can't he forgive him?

That's right, Jiang Ming laughed at himself in his heart. If the two of them exchanged positions today, he would be uneasy, and he would also be brooding about the 17 years of hard life that did not belong to him.

Jiang Ming's heart gradually fell to the bottom.

Seeing Jiang Ming's expression getting lower and lower, and the atmosphere between the two getting more and more tense, Song Yu withdrew a fluttering heart and hurried out to smooth things out: "You two relax, relax, I have a question, that Zhang Yi How did you know that Aming was his biological son? Jiang Yu was the only one who brought up Xiao Mo, is there anything about Zhang Yi?"

Indeed, the original owner grew up in a single-parent family, and he never met him. The person who plays the role of a father, when he was young and ignorant, asked Jiang Yu why other children have parents, but he has never met his father.

At that time, Jiang Yu was not bad to the original owner. After hearing this sentence, she was like a cat whose tail was stepped on. For the first time, she beat the original owner. Talk about Dad.

Also from that day on, Jiang Yu's attitude towards the original owner changed drastically, as if she had exhausted her mother's love. She began to beat and scold the original owner at every turn, instructing the original owner to do this and that. When the original owner was seven years old, she had to learn to cook. If he didn't cook, he would go hungry all day, and he was severely beaten by Jiang Yu.

Jiang Yu is from a rural area with a low education and can't find a good job at all. She will vent her dissatisfaction with life and the man who made her become like this to the original owner. The original owner was simple, thinking that it was because he mentioned his father that Jiang Yu remembered the sad past, and silently endured it all.

Whenever he sees other people's children with fathers and mothers, he secretly longs in his heart, hoping that one day, a tall and mature man will appear in front of him and tell him: Dad is back.

Unfortunately, he never waited, knowing that he was taken back to Jiang's house by Jiang's father and mother when he was seventeen years old, but he did not know what kind of man he was who had been absent from his life for seventeen years.

Who did Jiang Yu have a child with?

That man never appeared. Jiang Yu was sent abroad by Jiang's father and could not get in touch with domestic life. Then, Zhang Yi knew about the fact that the eldest son of the Jiang family was Jiang Yu's biological son.

Jiang Ming was at a loss, "He came to me directly with a paternity test at that time, with a tone of affirmation that I was his biological son. I was in a very complicated mood and didn't think about these issues at all."

Song Yu walked to the sofa. Sit down, "That's why I don't know, that man has only asked Aming for money a few times in the past few years, and he has never shown himself in city B, so the question is back to the original point, let's not talk about whether Aming is his or not. Boy, I think we need to know who is standing behind him and what is his real purpose?"

"If he's just a money-poor gambler, where did he get the news that his son is rich so coincidentally? If he just wants money, how could he be so well prepared? He said that he could leave A Ming with nothing, why did he say this?"

Song Yu's remarks successfully transferred Jiang Ming Jiang Mo's attention, Jiang Mo's original plan to ask Jiang Ming's question was left behind by him, and his thoughts climbed along Song Yu's question.

Jiang Mo knows the plot, but the plot he knows is very general, and there are no details in many places, just like the question that Song Yu just raised, the plot he learned has no explanation at all.

What he knows is only one result. As for how this result came, if he wants to know, he needs to find the truth by himself.

Jiang Ming was obviously stopped by Song Yu's words. He hadn't thought about some issues at all. When thinking about issues related to that man, his thoughts were like a mess, and he couldn't come up with a clue.

After these things were brought up by Song Yu, he clearly felt that there were a lot of unreasonable things, but before they were brought up, he turned a blind eye to these loopholes like a blind eye.

He stood up from the sofa, his back straightened again, and his eyes disappeared, leaving only a firmness, "Whether that person is my biological father or not, whether there is anyone behind him or not, the purpose of all his actions, I Be sure to find out!"

He turned to look at Jiang Mo, "I'm not running away, when I find out the truth, I'll go and tell Mr. Jiang and Mrs. Jiang all the causes and consequences."

Letting go of the heavy burden, Jiang Ming has a few shadows of his youth.

"Jiang Ming!" Before Jiang Ming was about to leave, Jiang Mo stopped him, "I don't blame you for the seventeen years."

This sentence is what the original owner meant. The original owner never resented anyone in his life. He will only remember the good and bad of others, he will quickly forget it and never take it to heart.

Jiang Mo admits that he can't do this. If others treat him badly, he usually doubles it back. He is a person who doesn't like to take revenge, because he usually takes revenge on the spot. If he can't take revenge on the spot, he will also Find some time to get revenge.

There is no hatred between him and Jiang Ming. Since he crossed over, Jiang Ming has been very kind to him. Jiang Mo knows this. Before knowing his life experience, Jiang Ming always treated him as his own younger brother. Even if he knew his identity, he only secretly alienated him and did nothing to hurt him.

Before everything happened, Jiang Mo wouldn't turn a blind eye to Jiang Ming for no reason, what's more, some things were not necessarily done by him.

The bitter master who exchanged his life for 17 years is the original master. Since the original master didn't mind this, Jiang Mo was also happy to be a favored person and untied Jiang Ming's heart.

"Thank you." Jiang Ming didn't look back. He didn't want the two people in the office who were very important to him to see his embarrassment. He opened the door of the office, and he left here without looking back. The pace of leaving was lighter than when he came. few.

After Jiang Ming left, Song Yu said, "I don't know if I'm doing the right thing today, but I don't want to see you and Aming drifting apart, obviously there is a relationship between you."

"I know . It's not Jiang Ming's fault that these things happened, and I won't blame him for it."

If the latter things hadn't happened, no one in the entire Jiang family would blame him, Jiang's father and Jiang's mother raised him as their own child, Seriously, their feelings for Jiang Ming are deeper than their feelings for Jiang Mo.

Feelings are all cultivated. A child who was raised by himself, watching him grow from a small baby to an adult, watching him grow from babbling to the personable person he is today, in this process, the feelings he pays are far more than a single person. The children who were brought back later were deep.

To be kind is not as good as to be kind, which shows how important the word "support" is.

The National Day was originally a holiday, because the [Mengbao No.1] press conference was scheduled on the 1st, so all the employees of the company had to work overtime, and the holiday time was adjusted, from the original seven days to five days. Delayed by two days.

Since the company paid enough overtime, the overtime was notified a long time in advance, and everyone did not complain much, and they were all doing their jobs seriously.

Jiang Mo sent Jiang Ming and Song Yu away, and went into intense work again. The sales of [Mengbao No. 1] were good. He wanted to start preparing for the next stage of the plan, and the cooperation with Leyson Group should also be put on the agenda.

With such a large market abroad, you have to fight for whatever you want.

In a blink of an eye, the day he made an appointment with Gu Zheng came. The night before, Gu Zheng called to say hello to the start time of the next day's trip, saying that he would come and pick him up.

At that time, Jiang Mo was taking a shower, wearing baggy pajamas, watching the computer and making a video call with Gu Zheng while wiping his hair.

Gu Zheng didn't expect that the time he chose was so coincidental. He wanted to cut off the video and play at another time, but he couldn't take his eyes off the screen.

Different from the last time in his house, the youth in his own house was always lazy, because just after taking a bath, his skin was steamed pink by hot water, and there was a red mark on the end of his eyes, which was charming and seductive.

During the movement, a small half of the amputated limb was exposed. Just as Gu Zheng imagined, it was fair and flexible. Gu Zheng measured it in his heart and felt that he could wrap his arms around the young man's waist.

The dream scene that prompted him to come to the Flower Country suddenly came to mind. He wrapped around the young man's flexible waist and felt soft and delicate.

Jiang Mo sat in front of the computer casually, threw the towel to wipe his hair aside, and asked, "Are you going to pick me up tomorrow?"

"Well," Jiang Mo's voice interrupted Gu Zheng's thoughts, and he quickly calmed down , changed his sitting position uncomfortably, and said, "I made some plans, I sent you an email, you can take a look."

Jiang Mo opened the email, which contained a detailed itinerary report, Jiang Mo couldn't help laughing and crying: "We Just go out and play casually, how did you make such a detailed report?"

Gu Zheng said solemnly: "Of course I will."

Gu Zheng has never been to city B, so he checked many documents before making this statement. He hoped that these two days would make Jiang Mo feel relaxed and happy, and he wanted to give Jiang Mo an unforgettable experience.

Gu Zheng didn't make the schedule very full, but the schedule was very reasonable, taking into account not only the distance but also the personal energy, so that he could have fun without getting too tired.

It is not difficult to see from this itinerary that Gu Zheng put a lot of effort into it, and he attaches great importance to it.

After confirming the departure time tomorrow, Jiang Mo hung up the video.

At half past eight the next morning, Gu Zheng rang the doorbell.

Gu Zheng didn't wear a suit today, he wore a long beige trench coat, no glasses, his hair fell naturally, and he looked much younger.

"Why did you arrive so early, I haven't finished washing up yet." Jiang Mo asked while opening the door.

"I made breakfast, thinking of bringing it to you in advance, so you don't make it yourself." Gu Zheng raised his right hand and gently shook the food box in his hand.

They made an appointment to leave at 9:00. Jiang Mo thought Gu Zheng would arrive at around 8:50, but he didn't expect him to arrive half an hour earlier and brought himself breakfast.

Jiang Mo stepped aside and let Gu Zheng come in, "I'll take a shower first, you can just sit here."

"You don't have to worry about me, just go and do your own business."

Jiang Mo moved quickly. When he stood in front of Gu Zheng again, he had already changed his clothes. It was less than ten minutes after the time passed. After eating the breakfast brought by Gu Zheng, the two drove to the first place.

This is the first time Jiang Mo has let go of work since the company was founded, and spent such a relaxing weekend. Gu Zheng arranged everything in an orderly manner, and there was no need for Jiang Mo to be distracted. He didn't have to do anything, just follow behind Gu Zheng and be in charge of playing.

They went to the largest playground in city B. I don't know how Gu Zheng communicated with the staff. There were very few people in the projects they played. The two of them left everything behind, like returning to their student days. Just let go and play.

They rode on the roller coaster and screamed like other tourists. They rode on the merry-go-round. Well, this project was requested by Jiang Mo. Gu Zheng didn't want to ride, so Jiang Mo had to sway on it by himself. They also played bumper cars together. They were obviously two people who could participate in real racing cars, but they laughed like children in the bumper cars in the amusement park.

Along the way, they played a lot of unplanned projects, some of which Jiang Mo was interested in, some that Gu Zheng wanted to try, and some that were not as fun as they had imagined. .

The two went to a Michelin restaurant for dinner. Jiang Mo felt that the food here was not as good as Gu Zheng's and his appetite. Yes, in this world, Gu Zheng finally lit up his culinary talents. Although the Chinese food was not very good, Jiang Mo especially liked the Western food he cooked.

Knowing that Jiang Mo likes desserts, Gu Zheng took him to a famous dessert shop, "If you go to country M one day, I'll take you to eat the famous desserts there. It's a shop run by a husband and wife, and the taste is very authentic.

Jiang Mo scooped a spoonful of cake and stuffed it into his mouth. Hearing Gu Zheng's words, he nodded and said, "Okay, if there is a day, don't forget it." Gu

Zheng laughed: "I won't forget it."

It's a movie at night . Time, considering Jiang Mo's work, Gu Zheng chose a sci-fi blockbuster about robots.

The two walked into the set, Gu Zheng was holding a large bucket of popcorn in his arms, and Jiang Mo was walking beside him with two cans of drinks in his hands.

There were too many people on National Day, so Gu Zheng gave up his plan to watch the movie in the hall and booked a VIP ticket. The two went upstairs and walked to the box under the guidance of the staff.

There were only Jiang Mo and Gu Zheng in this box. They sat side by side and waited for the movie to play.

At this time, there is no 3D movie, the movie is 2D, which is better than the thrilling plot, the actors' performances are in place, and it is fascinating. Jiang Mo was an actor in the last world. From his professional perspective, this film will definitely explode.

Jiang Mo couldn't take his eyes off the movie, while Gu Zheng couldn't take his eyes off the people around him.

The popcorn was in Gu Zheng's arms, and Jiang Mo would occasionally stretch out his hand, grab a few popcorns, and feed them into his mouth, making a "crack" sound.

Gu Zheng didn't know what was said in the movie. He had been following Jiang Mo since he was addicted to movies. At first, he stared directly at the big screen in front of him, pretending to be watching a movie seriously, and only dared to sneak a glance at Jiang Mo from the corner of his eye.

Seeing that Jiang Mo's attention was always on the movie, his courage gradually grew. He was no longer satisfied with sneaking glances. He turned his body slightly, and stared at Jiang Mo with integrity.

The viewing room was very dark, and the only light source came from the big screen in front. Under these colorful lights, Jiang Mo's skin became paler, and tiny fluff could be seen on his smooth face.

His eyelashes are very long, curled upwards slightly, like a butterfly with wings ready to fly, the end of his eyes is raised, his eyes are flowing, he has never seen such beautiful eyes.

Going out today, Jiang Mo is also dressed in casual clothes, with washed jeans and a beige sweater, looking like a college student who has not graduated.

Gu Zheng was fascinated. At this moment, Jiang Mo suddenly moved. Gu Zheng was so frightened that he sat down quickly, his eyes looked straight ahead, he didn't dare to make any movement, and he didn't see the flash of smile in Jiang Mo's eyes. .

Gu Zheng stiffened, and out of the corner of his eye, Jiang Mo reached out and took out a few popcorn from his arms and threw them into his mouth.

Just wanted to get some popcorn.

For some reason, Gu Zheng felt a little lost even though he was not found.

Jiang Mo took popcorn several times.

Gu Zheng carefully observed the frequency of his reaching out. The next time Jiang Mo put his hand into the paper bucket, he pretended to be holding popcorn and put his hand in.

The paper bucket for the popcorn is not too big. If one person reaches in and takes it, there is more than enough space left. If two hands reach in at the same time, they will inevitably bump into each other due to lack of space.


Gu Zheng could feel the sound of his heart beating violently. He resisted the excitement in his heart and moved his hand away as if nothing had happened.

But before he could take his hand out, he was caught.

! ! !

He grabbed my hand! ! !

Why did he catch me? Is it because I met him? Will he be angry? Will he ignore me? Am I going to explain that I didn't mean to? ...

for a while, various questions played in Gu Zheng's mind in a loop, and he stiffened again, staring straight ahead, not daring to move.


He heard a chuckle, and turned his head with a stiff neck. Jiang Mo's eyes no longer landed on the big screen. He looked at him with a smile on his brows.

Gu Zheng said, "I..."

What am I? I did not do it on purpose? Did I accidentally bump into you?

No, he didn't want to say that, he did it on purpose, he wanted to touch him, he wasn't satisfied with their current relationship, he wanted to take a step closer, he wanted to be the one who was qualified to stand by his side, he like him!

Gu Zheng's heart sank, and he said directly, "I like you! The kind of love that I want to spend a lifetime with you!"

Huh? Jiang Mo raised his brows. Why did he confess so easily this time? He didn't need to hint or stimulate him, and then he took the initiative to say it.

After saying it, he didn't feel nervous anymore, Gu Zheng looked directly into Jiang Mo's eyes, "Jiang Mo, I like you, no, this feeling is deeper than liking, it can be called [love]. You may not believe it when you say it, The first time I heard your name, I had a certain feeling that this person is the person I want to wait for."

He held Jiang Mo's hand back and grabbed his hand, "I came to Huaguo because of you. , I want to see you."

"I know it's abrupt what I'm saying now, we've only known each other for a short time, and we don't know each other well, you may think it's a joke I said, and I haven't even met a few times. , where can we talk about [love], but the truth is, I really fell in love with you."

"Are you willing to accept me?" Gu Zheng said in a perturbed tone, he knew that he probably wouldn't get the results he wanted, but He did not regret expressing what was on his mind on the spur of the moment. In this way, even if Jiang Mo refuses now, he can let him know what kind of feelings he has towards him.

Jiang Mo withdrew his hand, but Gu Zheng didn't hold it tightly, he easily took it out of Gu Zheng's hand, "You confessed so rashly, are you not afraid that I won't agree? You know, in Huaguo, this kind of feeling It is not recognized by the public, and the flower country is not as open as the M country."

The moment Jiang Mo withdrew his hand, Gu Zheng felt a chill, he didn't dare to hold back, he could only relax his strength and let that hand slip from his palm. slip.

Sure enough, I knew it would be the result, but I didn't give up until the last moment. It's because he didn't think it through, he just wanted to be with Jiang Mo, but he didn't consider that in this country, same-sex love is not allowed in the eyes of the secular world. I'm afraid this relationship brings Jiang Mo only trouble. Bar.

"I'm sorry, I..."

Jiang Mo raised his index finger and placed it in front of Gu Zheng's lips, interrupting him, "Don't say sorry."

Gu Zheng took the popcorn from his arms and held the hand beside his lips, He looked at Jiang Mo with his dark eyes, and his eyes were full of deep affection and possessiveness.

He said, "Jiang Mo, Momo, I won't let go, even if I know that this road is going to be difficult, maybe I won't have a good outcome with all the bruises all over my body. I can't let go anymore, and I will never let go!"

Wan He never expected Jiang Mo to develop like this: ...

He thought that Gu Zheng would give up this relationship after saying sorry, and was about to teach him a lesson.

"Momo," Gu Zheng reached out and touched Jiang Mo's face, "I can accept that you are not with me, but you must not have anyone other than me around you, okay?" Otherwise, I will not be able to control myself. .

Jiang Mo wondered, why did this person suddenly change sex, was it stimulated by something?

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