success: freedom

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Success, freedom, accomplishment all associated with victory. Freedom from the task overcomed, success for actually finishing and not quiting, accomplishment for archiving one more thing in life.

Although sometimes, we measure our value through the outcome of the task performed, like when we finally get all the requirements for a college applied to summited we free from the task, success for not just changing the Web browser to youtube at the sight of self inserted report, at times like this the outcome could be an acceptance, or a denial, however the outcome does not make you less valuable.

A sense of joy comes with accomplishment of a task, a joy greatly difficult to describe, you have one less responsibility, a sense of freedom sets in, a sense which makes you believe you can accomplish any thing or conquer the world.

We all have our views some apply to a greater percentage while some just font see it. We deserve a voice and this is mine..

What sense sets in when an accomplishment is achieved for you?

What actions do you put into place?

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2015 ⏰

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