The power of Gratitude

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It's amazing the things a little thank you can do for a person. no matter how little (in you opinion) it is that a person has done it is important to be grateful, by saying a simple two words, thank you. By doing this we it only show our helpers that we appreciate them, we are providing room by motivating the person to do more.

It's a great thing to feel appreciated, to feel needed, and whether we accept it or not as humans, we want to be loved and wanted. It helps us know that everything we do is being noted, that the sacrifices we make are not all for nothing, inspires us to do more and go the extra mile because someone is benefiting, some who is affected by our actions is grateful.

The saying what you sow you reap, can find a place here. If you are ungrateful today, there a possible chance that when you do something extra ordinary for a person another day, he or she may not appreciate you.

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