Blood, Sweat and Tears.

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" Ding Ding Ding! "
A Green light flashed and buzzed around the stage, as tortured souls from the first game cried out in desperation. Some happy and cheering on the Ancient for his decision, the rest horrified and angered at such the horrible decision. Espresso stood there in silence, there was nothing he could do about the situation, it was a 50/50 chance and they just happened to be on the unfortunate side. He turned to Latte and Madeleine to try and discuss with them on how to calm down, but Madeleine wasn't exactly standing for this unfair behavior.

"THIS GAME IS A MOCKERY TO EVERYTHING DIVINE! ITS CRUEL AND UNREASONABLE, CANT YOU LET THE ONES WHO WISH TO RETURN TO THEIR HOMES? THEY HAVE FAMILIES TO RETURN TO!" Madeleine shouted in anger, and people cheered on his statement. It was loud and heated, so when one of the guards raised a gun to the air and fired, it was definitely startling. Yet they stayed silent, and exited the room, the doors on the stage closing behind them. A timer above those doors counted down once more, yet everyone was at a loss and couldn't comprehend what to do. Madeleine turned to Espresso and exhaled, yet it sounded more of an angry growl due to the rasp in his voice. Latte crossed her arms and sighed in defeat as well, yet a woman like her was already strategizing. Also piecing together this information was rough and she didn't understand how some people had little to no emotion on this? Did they lack remorse of those who passed on the field? Did they loose hope of living? Have they had nothing to live for? She couldn't tell.

Madeleine turned to Espresso, oh how he wished he could bury his face into the coffee scented shoulder of the male, yet thats a bit touchy and he knew how Espresso was. "We need.. we need to gather allies if we are playing in this hellhole." He groaned while he put his thumb and his index finger up to the top of his nose, squeezing it slightly for some relief of his headache. The faint smell of expired milk somewhat filled the air, it was nauseating to most, Especially the professor. But this was not the time to complain about what exactly it was, this was about survival, making it home safely. He wondered how the Kingdom was even functioning, most of the population seems like it was in this room, and that variety was workers of the Kingdom. Madeleine sat on the not so comfortable white bed, and patted it for Espresso to sit next to him. Even in this time of crisis he still kept his smart and stoic demeanor.
Madeleine smiled at him and let out a small laugh, it quite funny how such a person was seemed to be cold-hearted. No, Madeleine could always see through his act, he didn't know what happened In Espresso's past but he always overlooked it. He didn't even know what Espresso was considered to him, he didn't know how to feel. But that didn't stop him from wrapping his muscular arm around the coffee connoisseur.

Espresso gave him a mean glare, before sighing and letting it happen. In this case scenario he was so caffeine deprived it seemed like he was going to fall asleep. And after that incident he couldn't control his power to conjure anything up. Latte gently swirled her finger, and formed coffee from the air, even if it had milk she made it go down Espresso's throat, causing a gag from him after consumption.
"Are you.. serious? Latte you are from the Coffee Tribe, you could've easily performed a bit of magic that excluded that horrible substance. Its accurately literally cow breast milk." Espresso complained and coughed, trying to force spit down his throat to drown out the horrible after taste. The blonde would just laugh at the two slightly bickering, it seems even in the worst situations Ser Madeleine Cookie somehow pulled it together.

"Espresso, did you and Macchiato ever play any games in your childhood?" Latte crossed her arms as she was thinking, Espresso looked at her like she was crazy for the sudden question, not to mention bringing him up. And Madeleine was just confused, tilting his head a bit.

"Who's Macchiato?" Madeleine asked with a small smile, he didn't know who the fellow was but maybe he was a nice person. I mean surely he couldn't have been horrible if Espresso spent his childhood time with him.

He's gone, isn't he? BOOK 1 - Espressleine - EspressoxMadeleineWhere stories live. Discover now