벚꽃 ⇁ ₍ break me again ₎

247 13 3

Two years

It's been a whole two years since they last saw each other after that cruel heartbreak, yet here they are again looking into each other's eyes for the first time in years. Ace was frozen in his place. He wanted to go to him, tell him how much he missed his presence in his life but no words came out. Deuce got the message and went closer to him, he smiled as he said hello while Ace got flustered trying to get himself to talk.

"You didn't change at all" Deuce said with a chuckle while Ace turned red

"W-well you seem to be okay.." He said as he adverts his gaze away from the other

"I managed to be top of my class after all. Mom has been proud of me since then" Ace nodded as silence soon followed

No one spoke in the next few minutes until Ace's gaze saw the cafe that they always go to when having dates. He smiled at the thought which is now just a memory. Deuce seemed to notice what he was thinking, he then grabbed Ace's hand and led him towards the cafe. They went to their usual spot and sat in front of each other. Ace remained silent the whole time as he looked outside the window. Deuce felt the tension in the air making him stand up and went to order something for the both of them.

Meanwhile, Ace sat there reminiscing the memories they both had together. He always wondered until this day "where did we go wrong?"

Memories of them together flooded his mind. He remembered his first time trying out his favorite food. He remembered the first time Deuce introduced him to his mom and she was thrilled to see that he has someone to take care of him. He remembered how Deuce would come over at his place to play games all day with his brother who kept teasing him.

Ace can't help but feel his chest tighten up. It pains to see him again, especially since he didn't manage move on from what they had before.

He loved Deuce, he really did, but that day was something that helped him realize that Deuce didn't want anything from Ace, he's only considered as a distraction to him. Ace took out his pen and a notepad from his bag as he wrote a note towards the other before exiting the cafe.

Deuce came back not long after he left, he wondered where he went until he saw the note he wrote. His eyes widened as he scanned it. He quickly asked to make the things he bought for take out and he set off to find where he is.

Deuce suddenly had a thought on where he might be. He ran towards the destination where they finally became an official couple. When he reached the beach he saw Ace sitting on the sand looking at the sunset. Deuce quietly sat beside him as they watched the sunset in an awkward silence. Ace was about to stand up when he reached out for his hand "stay with me" He said. Ace didn't want to but he still stayed and sat with a distance between them.

Deuce really wanted to hold his hand but it seems like he didn't want to talk about anything at the moment. He held the note in his hand as he tried to gather up all his remaining courage.

"Ace.. can we try again?" He said making the other turn to his direction

"I know I messed up big time back then and I wanted to make up for it– if you're willing to that is" Deuce continued

Ace was just looking at him not knowing what to say. He was hesitating but he soon smiled at him. "Sure, let's give it another try" He said as Deuce tackled him to the sand

"Oi! You're getting sand all over me you dumbass!" Ace shouted but the other just laughed at him causing Ace to laugh with him as well.

"Times like these are the ones I didn't want to forget" Deuce said as they melted into each other's touch.

Even though Deuce matured a bit, that doesn't mean his delinquent attitude was out of the way. Him and Ace caused mischief all around the town before going to Deuce's house for Ace to spend the night at. Deuce's mom was delighted to see Ace again, she said that she was hoping for them to get back together since she was really happy on how Ace managed to change Deuce.

Deuce was getting embarrassed from all his mom's stories on how he tried to cope up with their break up that he excused themselves and went straight to his bedroom. Ace scanned the room and remembered the movie marathons they had before falling asleep in each other's arms. He smiled at the memory when Deuce held him by the waist and threw him to bed.

"What are you doing?!" Ace panicked

"I'm tired from school, let's stay like this for a while" Deuce said as he caged Ace in his arms not wanting to let go of him again.

Ace smiled before returning the gesture. He was about to fall asleep when something on the nightstand caught his eye.

"Hey Deuce? What's in that box?" He asked making Deuce take it

"Ah, it's the ring I was supposed to give you" He answered making Ace surprised

"To me..?"

"Yeah, It's a promise ring but since I didn't get to give it to you in the last two years, this makes up for it. Ace, I really love you. I apologize for the heartbreak that I have you but I'm here right now to make up for it" Deuce said as he inserted the ring on his finger. He looked at Ace's reaction only to see tears in his eyes, happy tears that is.

"I'll let you break my heart all over again rather than be with someone else" He said before they held each other again but this time, they're both sure of what they want.

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