Chapter 1

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"Yes, am really sorry that it's this way you found out but there's no more love between us."
Can't believe what am hearing now. How after so many years together and so many a nice times and all he's doing this to me.
I love him more than anything and planed to spend my life with him but right now am so piss off that I can even kill him.
"You know what?"taking deep breath, "am sorry for you.i mean look what you did to our relationship. You destroyed it." I don't have any words to say. I don't even know what to think or say but am so angry at him.
I just turn my back to him and disappear to London's streets.

"Hello cutie,what are you doing here in this part of the city?" Said some husky voice.
Oh no,please no right now.i can't  believe that because of thinking about that idiot I lost the way home.
I look around but can't see anybody everywhere dark. Just when I was ready to go a bit faster and out of this dark street I see dark shadow behind the corner.
I can feel my heard biting and my legs start to shake.
How can I be so stupid not to look where am going and now am in this bad situation that I don't know what to do. If I scream no one will hear me that's for sure. But if I don't do anything that someone can do something to me.
I stopped and look around me but all I can see is that black shadow is getting nearer to me. I can hear my heart bit and my breath is its come.say goodbye to your life.

"Hello there again ,little princess. Looks like you are lost here. Can I help you?,,it's coming near me that is maybe just 2feet a far. It's man. Young man,look pretty but same time scary.all his cloth is black and even his hair is.
I keep quiet not saying a word to him just look like scared puppy in the corner.
"Someone can't talk?"and his Laugh take all the street.
"Am on my way home,please can you leave alone and let me continue with my journey?,, I ask politely,don't want to be rude and show him am really scared.
"Hahaha,you should think about safety walk home before you enter this street,princess." Oh no,don't call me princess.
"Please.,, I said again but you can hear fear in my voice and I could feel my eyes getting watery.

He came to be near that I could smell his body mix from cigarets and perfume. His head came to same high as my and he look in to my eyes and at the same time he licked his lips.
"Don't worry princess,am not gonna hurt you. Just wondering what else I cloud do with you.,, than his hand touched my chick and wipe a tear u don't even know was there.
I was so scared that I couldn't say anything to him just look in to his eyes and cry.thats all I could do at that moment.
"Princess,don't waste your should use them other time."said that man. I don't know what he meant by that but I couldn't even ask.
We look in to our eyes,he with a look of winning and me a look of scarring.
It's gonna a minute or two when we heard a voices coming our way.
I was happy and ready to shout for help but him as someone who cloud read my mind cover my mouth and push me on to the wall. That time I knew I can't win and return home safe.
The voices was gone and it was again just two of us.
"That wasn't good idea princess. It's better we get going before someone can find us here." He pulled my hand and taking me somewhere I don't know. What is he doing to me?where is he taking me?i want to go home and forget about everything happened. But his strong hold on my hand is not helping me.
"Where are you taking me!? I want to go let me go! Please,I didn't do anything to you. Let me please!,, I found energy to shout on him but look like he doesn't care.
We reach to black car. Am sure it his. And I was right when he opened the door and put me in. Ran to sit and start the car I drove away.
"Please.dont hurt me and let me go. What have I done to you? I don't even know you. You should let me go and forget about this.please!" Nothing. Didn't say a word back to me.

When we stopped I look around and see that we are really far from city. There was old house,almost like house.
"Let's go princess,this is where we gonna stay for some time.,, is he serious?
When we enter the house,all you can smell is cigarets. I was about to turn and start to ran when someone was behind my back.
"Hello there,who are you? Zain's new bunny to play with?,, he ask me but I didn't understand him. What is he talking about?who is Zain?
"Niall,please leave her.!,, I look at him and there was questions in my eyes.but didn't say anything.
Am scared. I don't know who they are and what want from me.i don't know when am gonna get back home or if am gonna get back home.
At all this mess I even forgot what happened before all this. I forgot that my heart is broke. All in my head was how am going to survive all this.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2016 ⏰

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