Chapter 1 Saving Alex

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Rachel's P.O.V.

I was in the station finishing up some paperwork.

Rachel: Sometimes, I wish I wasn't a cop, and a vigilante.

I look at my phone, I see a picture of me and Alex. It was at his place, we were celebrating my recruitment to the force. I began to smile looking at the picture.

Rachel: Only if you knew...

I said looking primarily at Alex. Then I got a call from Alex.

Rachel: Hi Alex!

Alex: Rachel? I need help, like major help!

He quietly yelled.

Rachel: What's wrong?

Alex: So I took your advice and went on the date with that girl. Turns out she's a psychopath...

???: Love where are you? I promise if you come out and tell me who this whore who's trying to steal you from me, I won't cut you're dick off or hurt you in anyway!

I began to change into my hero suit.

Rachel: Alex where are you?

Alex: I'm about a block or two away from the precinct.... Rachel... I'm scared.

Rachel: Don't worry Alex, I'm on my way. Just try and stay calm.

Alex: Ok, Rachel one more thing.... She's apart of the kendo club... and she has a Katana...

Rachel: Ok anything else?

Alex: No just help me please!

I jumped out the window and hung up.

Alex's P.O.V.

Alex: Rachel? Rachel? Shit....

???: Alex Come out please?! I love you! Your best friend... she's not good for you! You only need me! Please just tell me her name, address and how you want me to kill her.

I start shaking.

I'm gonna die. This girl is crazy...

I began to cry.

???: Alex Baby is that you?

The crazy girl rounded the corner and looked me dead in the eyes.

The crazy girl rounded the corner and looked me dead in the eyes

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