Chapter 2: Party Night

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Author's Note~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Thank you so much emilijampeteranac_ for the amazing cover! ❤️
If any of you guys want to make me a cover send it to my e-mail:
Also I have been busy lately so the updates are going to be shorter, sorry!
xoxo ~Leah
I woke up to the smell of bacon sizzling on the stove. For a moment I didn't realize that I was in someone else's house.
"What happened?" I thought to myself.
"Mornin' sunshine."
I rolled around in bed and saw Dylan leaning against the doorway...Shirtless!
"Um where am I?" I asked rubbing the sleep out of my eyes, trying not to look at his glorious 6-pack.
"You're at my house, you passed out in the car last night and I didn't know where you lived. "
"Oh, thanks" I said blushing.
"I made pancakes"
"And bacon?" I asked with a grin on my face.
"Yah and bacon." he said rolling his eyes.
When he left I hopped out of the bed, and noticed that I wasn't wearing my clothes from last night. I was wearing a really baggy shirt, probably Dylan's. I slumped over to the bathroom and looked in the mirror.
My hair was a wreck, I had dried drool on my cheek and my makeup was smudged. After I removed all my makeup I found the staircase and went downstairs.
I walked towards the kitchen to witnessed probably the funniest thing ever. The coffee machine was dribbling coffee all over the floor. There was a humongous cloud of smoke over the black pancakes and Dylan was frantically waving a towel over the bacon that was on fire .
"Haha never gonna let him live this one down" I thought.
He frantically turned to me, actually it was kinda cute, so I walked over to the coffee machine and unplugged it then began look for a mop for the spilt coffee.

Ten minutes later we had cleaned up the coffee, fire extinguished the bacon, and threw away the pancakes.
"Thanks, I'm not much of a chef." he said looking down at his feet.
"Yeah, I got that much."

"So, where are your parents?" I asked munching on an apple.
"They're on vacation in Cuba, they usually leave me at home most of the time."
"Dammit, I forgot to text my friends where I am!" I said.
"Chill out, I grabbed your phone last night and texted them, you should really get a password on that thing."
"Oh wow thanks."
How am I in the hottest guy in school's house and talking to him while he's shirtless?
I was reviewing the situation in my head and I didn't notice that I had a gigantic smile on my face?"
"You okay?" he asked looking at me with a strange look on his face.
"Oh ya, I just zoned out"
"Listen, my curfew is 12 pm and its 9 o'clock in the morning, so I better get back to my house soon."
"Oh ya, I'll drive you."
"By the way can I have my clothes back?"
"Ya I'll grab 'em."
When he returned with my clothes he had a shirt on.
He led me out of the house and into the driveway.

We were driving down my street when he suddenly pulled into a plaza.
"Where are we going?" I asked.
"Krispy Creme, I'm hungry for something other than burnt pancakes."
We pulled into the drive-thru and he ordered a 12 box of original glazed.
Luckily that's my favourite flavour.
"So, are ya gonna let me have any of those donuts?" I said eying the mouth-watering box of glazed goodness.
"Um, no" he said while one-handedly driving out of the plaza and eating a donut.
When we reached the first set of lights I plunged into his seat and grabbed the donuts.
"Hey! Hey!" He shouted but I was too busy cramming them into my mouth.
"Were you raised in a barn?" he asked while slapping my shoulder.
"I was raised in a barn where we share." I said.
"Ugh fine."

The next ten minutes were an awkward silence ending with him asking:
"So where do you even live?"
"Um actually right down this road, number 31."
He pulled into my driveway and un-buckles my seatbelt for me.
"Here I'll walk you to your door."
Dylan then proceeds to walk around the other side of the car and helped me out.

Very gentlemanly for such a bad boy I thought to myself.

He walked me up to the door and I turned around and said
"Thanks for everything, by the way."
"No problemo."
Just when I'm was about to open my door he grabbed my arm and turnedme around. Then out of nowhere he kissed me.

OMG mini-heart attack, I just got kissed by the hottest guy in school!
I stumbled backwards out of surprise and he caught me with his muscular arm.

"Later" he said and walked back to his car and left me with the biggest smile on my face.

When I went into my house my parents were looking at me with the deadliest glare I had ever seen.

"Where the hell were you, we were up all night worried about you" my mother shrieked.
"Do you think this is okay?, leaving the house without a word, leaving your mother and I to worry?" My dad asked surprisingly calm.
"I'm really sorry but my friend drove me home. After this party and I crashed at his- I mean her house."
Leaving out the fact that my "friend" is a hot boy and that I got felt up by a drunk guy.
"Listen to me young lady, you're grounded!" My mother said grimly.

So I was grounded for one week but that doesn't mean that I can't have people over.

Yay for loopholes!

"He did what?!" Tegan shrieked.
"Oh my gosh, how was it?" Emilija said with a dirty smirk on her face.
"It was great, but I never saw it coming, just don't spread it worldwide" I said seriously.
"So what happened last night?" Tegan said wiggling her eyebrows.
"Oh my gosh, nothing, but what happened to you guys last night after I left?" I said changing the topic.
"Well we looked everywhere for you, then we got the text from Dylan."
"One part missin' there, Tegan went home with this Ryan guy and left me stranded. Finally I found this guy to take me home, but it was a long ride home so thanks Tegan" Emilija said looking annoyed.
"What do you guys wanna do tonight?"
"Go out?" Tegan suggested.
Simultaneously we all burst out laughing.
"Hahahah oh my gosh for a second I thought you were serious" I said while Emilija was rolling on the floor laughing.
"So Netflix and pizza?" I asked.
"What else would we be doing on a Saturday night?" Tegan asked while scrolling through her twitter feed.

After 20 minutes of trying to create a makeshift bed in my room we finally settled in with Pringles at our side and pizza in our hands.
"Ugh, what do you guys wanna watch?" Tegan said looking through the options.
"How about something scary" I suggested but that idea was quickly shot down by Tegan.
"Well about a movie with Leonardo DiCaprio?" Emilija said.
"Yaasss" I said while Tegan selected Titanic.

3 hours later the credits were rolling and my bedroom floor was covered in tissues and Pringles
crumbs. By now it was 1 am and we were all still rowdy and awake.
"Okay, let's play kiss date ditch" Emilija said.
"Dylan West, Hunter Briggs, Taylor Kramer."
"Definitely kill Hunter, date Dylan and kiss Taylor." I said.
Omg did I really just say that out-loud I thought to myself.
"Oh, someone's pretty set on who they wanna date." Tegan said.
"Ugh well Hunters a douche and I barely know Taylor so..."
"Well we support and ship you" said Emilija and Tegan nodded.
"You guys suck" I said rolling my eyes.

The next morning we all slept in past 11 and eventually we dragged ourselfs out of the mega-bed.
My parents had cooled down by then but they still weren't taking away my punishment.
We ate a short breakfast of Eggos and Nutella then Emilija And Tegan left.
Besides I need to get my stupid homework done.

I began blasting Nicki Minaj throughout my bedroom when there was a knock on my door.
"Who is it?!" I screeched.
"Uh Dylan."
I swear my heart skipped a beat. Why was Dylan in my house?
I paused the music and opened the door.
Dylan was standing there holding my bra.
Wait... MY BRA???!!
"Haha I forgot to give this to you yesterday."
"Why didn't you bring it over yesterday." I asked
"I have my reasons" he said with a smirk on his face.
I grabbed my bra and closed the door.
Then I fell back onto my bed and thought to myself:
What am I going to do with this boy?

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