New Kid in Gravity Falls

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Gideon POV:

"Hey, my name's Gideon Pines and right now I'm on the bus to Gravity Falls, Oregon, where my dad lives.

My mom and dad divorced a while ago, but it doesn't bother me all that much, two birthdays. Mom is having issues right now, so she sent me down here for the summer. I haven't seen my dad in a while, maybe 5 years or so? Mom didn't like having to come down here and all the way back up every holiday.

Oh, the bus is slowing down, we must be getting there soon. Well, I better get ready to get off, I'll write more later.


Gideon put his notebook away and shouldered his backpack. Two minutes later they were at the bus stop for Gravity Falls. He stood up and walked down the aisle of the bus, getting to the front and going down the steps when he turned around, "uh- thanks." The driver just nodded and waited for Gideon to get off the bus then closed the doors and drove away.

"Well, new experience, I guess. Maybe I'll meet some new friends." Gideon took a deep breathe and started walking to the Mystery Shack, trying to calm down his anxiety.

He soon got to the front steps of the Mystery Shack when a loud bang came from behind him, making him jump. Gideon whipped around fast and saw his dad, smoke fuming all around him. "Hey Gideon, how are y-" Gideon's father, Bud, started coughing and waving at the smoke of the smoke bomb. "Sorry, sorry- Ahem, like I was saying, how are you champ!"


The Mystery Shack didn't get much better, Gideon thought. There were still fake, hot-glued things all around him, his dad was truly a scam artist.

"So, first time coming back down here in a while, huh? Well, the town hasn't changed much, but I'm sure you'll find someone your age! Now, how about you go upstairs and get settled in," his dad said, leading him to the living room.

"Uh, yeah, sure. I'll probably walk around town later then. That okay?
"'Course it is, get used to the environment change. But remember, you'll be helping me in the shop, 'kay?"

Gideon just nodded his head and walked upstairs, going into his old room and throwing his stuff to the floor. Great, he thought, my whole summer is just going to be me in the Mystery Shack all day, I won't even get paid! He sighed and sat down on the bed, getting out his journal.

"Update: This is going to be the worst summer ever.



Author here! If you have any suggestions then leave them in the comments, it always helps!
I know Gideon's dad in reverse Falls is supposed to be abusive or something (so I've been told) but I am not comfortable with writing that, sorry!
This is my first time writing a real story with a semi-story line, so I am sorry if it's bad, but it's mostly just for practice.

Anyway, have a great day!


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