The nightmare

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Gideon's POV:

Gideon woke up in the middle of the night, sweating profusely from a nightmare. He felt like someone was watching him, whispering to him.

He got up to go downstairs and get something to drink but when he stood up he froze. He couldn't walk, couldn't move, couldn't talk, he just stood there. He felt like someone was pushing his limbs to his sides and making him stand still, that eerie feeling of someone watching him came back. Then, all went black and he felt his head hit the ground.


Gideon's POV:

Gideon slowly opened his eyes but he wasn't on the ground anymore, he was in his bed. He thought that maybe last night was just a dream, but his head hurt, telling him that it wasn't.

He got out of bed and rubbed his eyes, going to grab the journal. He picked it up out of his hiding spot and went downstairs where he met his dad.

"Hey bud, how're you feelin'? I came upstairs earlier and looked like you passed out or something."

Gideon cleared his throat and shook his head, "I was probably just sleep walking," he lied. "Actually, I don't have much time to chat, I'm going to go meet up with Pacifica. Is that okay?

Bud just nodded and turned back to the T.V. "Don't be out too late!"

Gideon left without another word, off to tell Pacifica about his weird dream.


Pacifica's POV:

Pacifica was walking towards the Mystery Shack when she saw Gideon coming. So, she decided to hide behind a tree and scare. She waited a minute till Gideon got closer and then jumped out in front of him, screaming.

"AHH!" Gideon let out a high-pitched scream and jumped back, hugging the journal to his chest.

"Pfft- You scream like a girl! Hm? What're you holding, some book? Looks nerdy," Pacifica said.

Gideon could his breathe and glared at Pacifica. "First, that wasn't funny. Second, it's a journal. And I don't scream like a girl!"

Pacifica looked down at the book and tried to snatch it away from Gideon, which was not a success. "Ooo, is it some sort of diary? C'mon cmon, let me read it! I wanna know all your juicy secrets!"

"No Pacifica, it is not a diary, I found it actually. I did need to see you though, I want to talk about something that happened last night," Gideon said and grabbed Pacifica's wrist to drag her over to a tree stump.

Pacifica followed along and sat down beside Gideon. "What happened? And who does the diary belong to then?"

Gideon glared at her, "It's not a diary, it's a journal. I found it yesterday, I'm not sure who it belongs to, it looks really old." He started flipping through some of the first pages, "It's full of these monster-like creatures, sketches about them and information, all of them in Gravity Falls."

Pacifica watched as Gideon flipped through the pages, taking in the strange sketches. "You don't actually think it's real though, do you? These creatures don't exist. Plus, if they did, why aren't vampires on there! Vampires should definitely be on there."

Gideon ignored her last comment, "I don't know, but last night made me think it could be true. I woke up in the middle of the night from a nightmare, I felt like I was being watched by some entity, and it was whispering something. When I stood up to go downstairs, my whole body went still like something was confining me to stay that way. Before I knew it, I passed out."

"A nightmare? What was the nightmare about?" Pacifica inquired, curiosity flowing through her blood like always.

"Well, I was standing in a field. All around me were these random things, like swing sets and giant metal objects, most of them were triangular. That's when I heard maniacal laughter coming from the heavens and it sounded like thousands of people whispering at the same time, it was completely incoherent. One thing that I got out of it was 'one eye' but I don't know what that means." Gideon closed the book and turned towards Pacifica.

"Don't call me crazy, but maybe this down is haunted or something. Cursed? I don't know, but it set me off. Pacifica? Are you listening?" Gideon snapped his fingers in front of Pacifica's face and she finally got brought back to reality.

"Oh, sorry. I was just...thinking. Look, I believe you, okay? Odd things have happened in Gravity Falls, but we all just ignore them. I've seen many things, and I've seen some of those creatures in that journal. I've seen ghosts and such," Pacifica sighed.

Gideon was relived he wasn't the only one who felt uncomfortable in this eerie town, "Maybe we should do some research into these creatures and whatnot, learn what we need to! Go adventuring in the woods and see what we can find."

Pacifica smiled at that, "You know what, I think that's a wonderful idea! I can make adventuring sweaters!!"

Gideon cringed at the sweater part but still nodded. "Yeah, sure. Should we start today?"


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2022 ⏰

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