A book with a 3

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Gideon's POV:

Gideon got done unpacking a while later so he decided to walk around town. He walked downstairs and declared to his dad that he'll be out for a bit, all he got back was a grunt of approval.

He walked outside and started for the town, doubtful that there would be anyone his age, and even if there was he probably wouldn't like them.

Well, it's worth a shot I guess, here we go, he thought.


Gideon was walking around town when he stopped at Greasy's Diner to get some food, he hadn't ate much on the drive here.

He sat down at one of the booths, surveying around to look at everyone. He turned his back so he could see the other side of the diner.


Gideon whipped around, searching for the voice. On the other side of the booth was a girl, a very colourful girl. She had blonde hair which was up in a ponytail, bright blue eyes, a multicoloured neon jacket, and jeans that had what looked like marked and paint stains all over them.

"Uh..hi? Who are you exactly?"

"I'm Pacifica Northwest! I saw you and you looked around my age so I wanted to say hi! What's your name?"

"It's Gideon, Gideon Pines. I just came down here today actually, I live up in the Mystery Shack."

"Cool! Well, I was thinking since we're basically the only people here around our age, do you wanna be friends? I don't really have all that many sooo.."

Gideon was puzzled by the girls straightforwardness, but he was also intrigued. "Yeah, yeah okay. I don't have any either, you're the first person I've talked to today besides my dad."

Pacifica smiled and turned around to grab a plate from another booth, setting it in front of Gideon.

"Here. I probably won't finish the rest of it, so you can have it! No point in wasting money here, the food isn't all that great if I'm being honest."

Gideon just nodded at the girl. She really is something, huh?


Gideon was walking around with Pacifica, she suggested they go back up to the Mystery Shack. At first, Gideon didn't want to, but Pacifica is really persistent.

They got up to the Mystery Shack and went inside, his dad coming in right away.

"Hey Gideon, having fu- Oh, who's this girl?"

"I'm Pacifica, you must be Gideon's dad?"

"Yes, I am. Didn't know you made a friend already, Gideon. Anyway, I need your help with something, would you mind? You can bring your little friend if you want to as well."

Gideon sighed but nodded, "Okay, what is it?"

Bud gave him some signs, nails, and a hammer. "I want you to put up these signs in the woods, lead 'em back to the Shack, that way we get more customers, especially since it's summer."

Pacifica took some of the signs and said cheerfully, "I'll help you! With two people it will get done much faster."

"You don't have to," Gideon said, "Honestly, it's pretty boring."

Pacifica turned towards him, "No, I want to! Well, let's go Gideon, can't keep your dad waiting."

Pacifica walked out of the Shack, Gideon staring at her in a slight shock. What an odd, odd girl.


Gideon and Pacifica were both putting up signs, Gideon complaining the most. He went to put up another sign, but when he hit the nail to hammer it in, there was a different sound than all the other trees. He hit it with the hammer again, a metal sound coming from it.

What the.. He put the signs down and found an edge to the metal, pulling it back with all his might. Inside the tree was a box with two levers sticking out of it. Gideon pulled the levers back and forth in no specific pattern when he heard something behind him. He turned around and the ground opened up, revealing something inside of it.

Gideon bent down and grabbed the thing that was inside, dusting it off. It was an old book with the label 3 on it inside of a hand. He flipped the pages when he came across one that said 'Trust No One!' with two lines underneath it.


"What's that?"

He turned around and saw Pacifica, he hid the journal behind his back. "Uh.. nothing, it's nothing."

"You sure?"

Gideon just nodded and turned around. "Oh look at that, we're all done with the signs, let's go back, yeah?"

"But there are stil-" Gideon didn't let her finish her sentence when he grabbed her wrist and started walking off back to the Mystery Shack.

"It doesn't matter, there's enough, plus I'm tired." It was a lie, but he wanted to get back as soon as possible to look through the book.

"Hey Pacifica, I'm not feeling all that well, maybe you should go home so I don't get you sick."

"Um, okay? Do you need any help back to the Shack?"

"Nope, nope, it's okay. Just.. just go, I'll be alright."

Pacifica looked him up and down but nodded and slowly turned away, walking back to her house.


Gideon got back to the Mystery Shack and up to his room, sitting on the window seal and reading through the book.

"Who wrote this? What are all these creatures?" He whispered to himself.

It was getting late out so he hid the book and got in bed, having a hard time falling asleep. I wonder if all that stuff is true, he thought.

A while later he fell asleep, thoughts of all those creatures in his head, he didn't know why he was so unsettled but he was.


xxxxxxxxxxx's POV:

Hahaha.. you have no idea what's coming kid. The creature named [REDACTED] was watching over Gideon as he slept, laughing manically.

Wait and see,
for the eye watches you as you sleep.

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