Chapter Nineteen

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Cecelia sat with other Noblewomen, a small smile on her face as she took a sip of the tea brought to her. She watched the men getting ready for the Hunting Game, Willow sitting beside her. "I'm so glad you get to participate in this event!"Willow beamed. "Yeah!"Aisha smiled chuckling. "Let the Hunt begin!"Elris called smiling at everyone. Cecelia clapped, watching Isis and the other men vanish into the woods, a wide smile on her face. Isis waved to her, vanishing into the woods. "I wonder what Isis is gonna catch"Willow grinned. "He promised to catch me something big"Cecelia smiled. "Sounds nice!"Aisha beamed looking at her. "It is"Cecelia giggled. She glanced at a few Noblewomen who were muttering and pointing at her. "I hear she's dating Prince Isis." "A murderer from Flint's family, that's sad."

Cecelia looked down, gripping her dress as her eyes widened, the muttering continuing. "Bet she's using him." "I bet Prince Isis pities her or maybe he's trying to get more information on her family out of her, not everything was told in guessing." Tears threatened to fall, Cecelia starting to tremble. "Cecelia!" She looked up, Isis kneeling in front of her a wide smile on his face. "I'm still searching for the biggest prize here, but for now accept this fox from me!"Isis grinned giving her a loving look, having heard some of the whispers when he returned. She smiled and nodded taking the fox. Isis looked at the gossiping noblewomen, causing them to flinch, going silent, ceasing their whispering. "I'll be back! Wait for me!"Isis grinned hurrying away, waving to her.

She smiled at him, setting the fox down in front of her. "Wow, a silver fox! He must've really been searching for it!"Aisha beamed. "Silver foxes are rare, surprised he found one, he must've went deep into the woods and ran all the way back here"Willow nodded. Cecelia stared at the fox in front of her, then smiled, her expression softening. "Lady Willow." Bion held out a red fox prize, Willow staring in surprise. "Shouldn't that be for the princess, you gave a prize to her last time?"Willow asked since Bion had never shown any interest in her before. "I wanted to try a change of pace.."Bion responded. Willow stared at him, then smiled slightly, accepting his catch. "Too bad his Majesty couldn't join since he's a priest"Lou muttered. "I do wonder what he would've caught"Aisha chuckled handing Lou a cookie.

Poseidon stood by Cecelia's chair, silently but visibly cringing at the mention of the Light King. He turned away, letting out a quiet grumble if irritation. "Did I say something wrong?"Aisha asked. "He doesn't like the Light King, I've asked but he refuses to tell me what went down between them"Cecelia explains giggling in amusement. A few boys brought over their prize's, giving them to Aisha, who gave them a surprised look but nevertheless smiled and thanked them. Cecelia giggled, watching as Bion returned, giving Aisha a weasel he caught before handing Willow a white weasel he managed to find. "Where's Isis?"Cecelia asked as Elris gave his kills to Iris. She scanned the crowd, before sighing worried about him. "Did my son not return yet?"Elris asked looking around. "No father"Aisha responded shaking her head.

Cecelia got to her feet, stepping away from her chair, looking around the crowd of boys, her worry starting to grow. "Isis! Isis!"Cecelia called her eyes widening. "Yes, My love." She turned, finding Isis kneeling down in front of her again, a large black bear and a buck beside him. Her eyes widened, staring at him stunned. "Isis..."Cecelia mumbled. "Will you accept my kills"Isis smiled. She stared then nodded, giving him a wide smile, relieved he was safe. "Looks like my son has won this contest!"Elris chuckled. "Cecelia won, because she caught the rarest prize of all"Isis grinned standing up. He looked at her, smiling softly. "Me.."Isis smiled taking her hand. He kissed the back of it, Elris looking amused. "Well then, looks like Lady Cecelia has won the annual hunt!"Elris chuckled.

Isis smiled, Cecelia stepping forward looking shy with all the attention. "My brother is so lovestruck"Aisha grinned looking amused, happy for him. "He sure is"Willow chuckled. "Now lets take the kills inside!"Elris called. "I'll be back"Isis promised. He pressed another kiss to the back of her hand before walking away, giving her a small grin. "What was that all about"Aisha teased. "Nothing!"Cecelia gasped. She grabbed an apple, a noblewoman staring her down intently. "Hm?"Aisha blinked looking at the noble. The woman looked away, before getting up and moving spots. "What was that all about?"Aisha frowned suspicious. The sound of choking reached her ears, looking forward to find Cecelia choking on something. The apple in the woman's hands turned rotted, Aisha's eyes widening at the sight. Cecelia fell over onto her side, panic starting up from the other nobles.

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