The date<33

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You and Robin walked home talking about you and donnas date. "What if I say something dumb?!" "You won't,I hope atleast" "Robin!" "Sorry jeez youll do great trust me" Robin said assuringly. "Can you help me get ready?" "Me,help you?" He asked his eyebrows furrowed. "Yea why not?" "Well I'm a boy and our styles aren't really the same so how would I help?" "You're literally one of my best friends I'll be fine." You said turning to him while stopping your slow walking pace. "Ok I'll try but,if I don't pick a cute out fit don't hate me." He replied putting his hand on your shoulder with an unsure smile. You suddenly hugged him arms tightly wrapped around him causing him to stumble back a bit you somehow lifted him up a bit. "WOAAHH BE CAREFUL PENDEJA!" He said his voice weary. "THANK YOU THANK YOU SO MUCH ROB!" You said a big smile on your face. He smiled while hugging you back.
~time skip~
You and Robin had gotten to your house not to long after. You unlocked letting him go in first. "DAD IM HOME!" You exclaimed while taking off your shoes.
No one replied which made you confused he was usually home by now. "Do you want anything to drink or eat?" You asked Robin. "Uh waters just ok thank you." He said prying off his last shoe. "Alright go ahead and go up to my room." You said tucking any loose hairs behind your ear while getting out to glasses and filling them up with water. When you looked at the counter there was a sticky-note, "I'm at work till 5 Bug call me if you need anything" the numbers 555-9275 written as if the writer was in a rush. You put the note in your pocket and grabbed the glasses. As you walked into your room you saw Robin looking at your records. He softly thanked you while flicking his fingers over your records. "Mmm this one" he quietly mumbled while pulling out a record and placing it on the record player.
The tune to "Psycho Killer" by The Talking heads began playing. "I can't seem to face up to the facts I'm tense and nervous and I can't relax" Robin sung while bobbing his head. "I can't sleep 'cause my bed's on fire
Don't touch me, I'm a real live wire" You sung while Robin grabbed your hand and pulled you up. "Psycho Killer
Qu'est-ce que c'est? Fa-fa-fa-fa, fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-fa, better Run, run, run, run, run, run, run away, oh-oh-oh!" You both sung out while dancing like Charles Manson. (Literally how I dance😭) Once the song finished you both flopped down on your bed. Robin and you sat up while staring at your closet. "Ok you go brush your teeth and do your makeup or whatever while I pick out an outfit." Robin said in a slight demanding tone. You went into your bathroom and brushed your teeth,you then did some light makeup/none. You decided on curling your hair. Once you were done you saw Robin pull out some flares/bootcut jeans . "Here get dressed it's almost time for the date." He said handing you the clothes slightly weary on his choice.
Once you had everything on you looked in the mirror. He Chose a tied loose top with the jeans and black and white blazers
(If you don't like the fit feel free to change also imagine diff shoes)

 He Chose a tied loose top with the jeans and black and white blazers (If you don't like the fit feel free to change also imagine diff shoes)

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Heyyy loves I'm so sorry I haven't been active in so long but I'm so happy to be back. I'm so happy it's officially winter!!! I hope you guys enjoy this take care🫶🏻 (sorry if it's garbage 😭)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2023 ⏰

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