Chapter 2

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"These are all the names of the MacBooks, I'm sure you'll be able to find them on the grid" yellow said as they passed a piece of paper in them, second examining every letter and memorizing it as best as they could before nodding.

"Does that mean I can ride again?" Red asks they flailed their arms excitedly, making yellow turn to face the red stickfigure

"Do you know how to handle it though?" Yellow asks to which red nodded

"Just like riding a scooter right!"

Yellow shrugged a little as they put their hands on their hips "I mean, yeah I used parts from a scooter to make it but just be careful not to do anything that'll hurt second okay-" red was already putting on a helmet and strapping themself as yellow spoke

"Let's go~!" Second flew off so suddenly which pulled red along, it caught the two stick fight stickfigures off guard

"and be careful with my!- oh forget it" yellow huffed as chosen walked next to the yellow stickfigure who still had glasses on, crossing their arms

"Who are the people with your other two friends?" Chosen asked suddenly, breaking the short silence with the two and making yellow turn to face chosen.

"Well, there was purple and-..." Yellow went silent for a moment

"And?" Chosen asks

Yellow bit his lower lip


"Mango?" Chosen asks

"Like Mango color?"

"I guess so, but they look more orange than mango" Yellow states as they looked up at the gridded sky, names in every grid.

"How did you feel when you went into the computer we all were once in?"

Chosen looked at yellow with a confused huff

"There was that spider virus right? And just the way you acted towards the man behind the screen, it seems like you know him" yellow states, making Chosen sigh.

"Yeah, but... I'd want to take my experience down to my grave. The way dark did."

"The dark lord knew too?" Yellow asks, making Chosen chuckle

"Course, we were made by the same person..." yellow thought for a moment before gasping

"Are you saying the reason you... the reason second has those powers-"

"Yep, you could say, we're mostly brothers made by the same animator, but I've never told second that. And since you know there are a few people in the world with the same gifted power of bringing stickfigures to life, second wouldn't even think or have that thought come across their mind." Chosen mumbled out, looking at the sky too

"Fair point..." yellow mumbled.

"What about you? Do you think of all your stickfigure friends as your blood relative or not?"

"Not necessarily, I don't remember who made us, all I remember was being in our house, website in stickfight. It was like we were made to fight each other, if second never came to see us then... I don't know what would've happened" yellow mumbled, he started to wonder the possibilities of what could've happened if second never saved them and showed them the outside. Would they still be having awesome adventures like they did fourteen years ago? Friendship and tragedy. Purple even coming occasionally to help them. What would it all have been if the second coming never showed up... fighting endlessly, maybe.

Due to this lost in thought, yellow didn't realize the two stickfigures coming back.

"Four down... one to go..." Second mumbled nervously, snapping yellow out of his thoughts

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