Chapter 9

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"Amber?" Spencer asked, creaking the door open, Amber was glued to her phone, a curious yet blank expression on her face. Not even realizing her father was there till she was called again.

"Breakfast is ready" Spencer stated with a calm smile, making Amber smile as well and nod


She put down her phone and walked off to have breakfast with her foster family.

Having little memory of her biological family, this family of hers were the most precious to her. They felt like a real family.

But after what Alex said... she was getting curious.

There wasn't much conversation at breakfast, making it have an awkward yet worried sensation, it was usually blooming with Amber's emotions and how into the game she's playing, always talking about the stickfigures and how cool they are.

But with the running thoughts in her head, it was like her body started working like it was on autopilot.

"Did something happen between you and the stickfigures?" Spencer asked, the worried tone breaking Amber out of her thoughts.

"Well, I did stray away from them to go and trade with the piglins, but that's about it. I know I worried them but I'm sure that  we're still in good terms." Amber stated as she continued to fill her mouth with food.

"Well, its good that you're having fun!" Her mother said cheerfully, making Amber chuckle.

After breakfast she did have her computer open, though it wasn't on minecraft.
She was searching something up on YouTube.

Her eyes widening at the sight.

'It does exist?'


She jolted at the sudden call on her Computer, it was the stickfigures,

"they must want to play minecraft again..."

Amber mumbled out, joining the call and opening up Minecraft, while still keeping the YouTube page open at one half of the screen.

She tried to be as normal as possible, not making it super obvious she's multitasking, but it seemed like the stickfigures still noticed.

While Amber died to Mango, she didn't even noticed as she was watching a video.

"Animator vs Animation(Original)"

Second looked at purple, whispering at them.

"Don't you think Amber's being... slower than usual?" Second asked as he looked at the idled blocky minecraft woman that was with Mango, who was giving back her items.

"She must be doing something else while she plays then. That's the only thing I can think about..." Purple stated, looking back at second.

Second just shrugged it off as they all continued to play without questoning it.

Amber though, was puzzled. Everything that has happened and what the sticks told them about, it was there, all on video. She could see it all happen. The lights, the action, the raw emotions of that time... even when Purple talked about their backstory. It was all on video. A video that's around twenty years old.

'Is this really my father, was my real father... the animator?' Amber thought in her head as she continued to watch the video.

"Alan Becker..." She whispered out, making the red stickfigure that was beside her turn their head

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