Avian types!

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Angel Wings:

Feathered wings, they are heavy or light depending on their size. Some are small, others are big, some have more than one pair


Seraphim: these are the second rarest you can get, they have six wings, two cover their face, two cover their feet, two are for flying. Their wings are light, but great for flying because they take less energy

Chibi: they have two pairs of small wings, they are light and are not normally used for flying, slightly useless

Archangels: they have the largest wings, their wingspan is 57 feet. Their wings are typically really heavy, and are majorly used for gliding or combat. They are the rarest variant. Their eyes glow when provoked

Guardian Angels: their wings are normal size and not that heavy. Their wingspan is 11 feet. They have one pair and their wings are used for any type of flying, and combat.


Demon wings:

Bat like wings, three variants, two are large and heavy, others are smaller and lighter. Slitted pupils

Sub variants:

Fallen angel: large and heavy, feathered black and ripped, some may have fire-colored veins running through the wings. Claws on top of wing bone

Devil: large red and black wings, sometimes fire orange/yellow. Typically hot to the touch and are really heavy, used mostly for combat. Fire flames on the wings based on the emotion of the person. Large serrated claws on tips of wing membranes. Can survive heat

Demon: regular sized wings, small, red and light, claws on wing membranes. Used for flight and combat, can survive heat


Dragon wings:

Bat-like wings, comes with a scaly tail that varys on the wing variant. All only have one pair and all are heavy. They have soft, horse-like ears where their normal ears would be. Slitted pupils. All have a wingspan of 5 feet


Leaf: leaf shaped wings that are usually green with gold or brown spots. Leaf shaped tail. Claws on wing membranes. Wings for flight and combat

Night: regular wings that have darker tints of other colors. Wings usually pitch black with silver reflective flecks like stars. Claws on wing membranes. Wings for flight and combat, can see in the dark

Water: green or blue wings that have bioluminescence markings on wings and tail. Large thick tail. The person with the wings/tail can breathe underwater. Claws on wing membranes. Wings for flight and combat

Snow: white with silver, blue, green, gray, or pink tints. Serrated claws on wing membranes. Large spikes on the tail tip. Can survive freezing temperatures. Their wings are used for combat and flight

Mountain: red, orange, or yellow scales with same colored wings, the people who have these wings don't develop them on their back, but their arms, they have to learn how to use their wings as their hands. They have abnormally large wings that are used for combat and flight. Can breathe in high altitudes. Wingspan of 10 feet


Fairy Wings:

Small, fragile two paired wings, usually used only for flight, and not combat. light

Sub variants:

Butterfly: two? Pairs of wings. Beautiful patterns on the wings, only used for flight

Fairy: small transparent pastel wings, fragile. Only small distance flight

Bug: any type of bug wings, usually fully transparent, small and fragile. Used for flight


Bird Wings:

feathered wings that depend on variants. Usually heavy sometimes normal weight

Sub variant

High Speed: they have a wingspan of 3.5 feet and are used only for high speed flight, sometimes combat.

Active soaring: they have a wingspan of 11 feet. They are used mostly for soaring and combat

Passive soaring: they have a wingspan of 9 feet and wings are used only for soaring and combat

Elliptical: they have the smallest wingspan of 2 feet. Still used for flight, but not for combat

Hovering: small wings but larger than Elliptical, at 5 feet. They can move them faster than any other variant and can fly forwards and backwards. Only used for flight, not combat.

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