Chapter One

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Rose walked through the hallways of Avian Academy,or AA. She looked at the wing stubs she had and sighed. hHer birthday was that day, which means she'd find out what type of Avian she was, usually it was at lunch. She looked around and saw her crush and friend, Michael. 

He was leaning against a locker talking with his brother, Daniel. His white and purple Archangel wings were tightly curled in but were still 6 feet away from his body. He looked at her and smiled. He waved. She waved back. He kept talking. She walked over to her locker and put her bag in it, sighing. "Hey Rose!" She heard someone say. She flinched and turned around as the person laughed. She laughed with her. Alexandra set a hand on her shoulder. 

"I didn't mean to scare you," she giggled. Rose shrugged. "That's fine." Alex put her hand in her pockets and twitched her wings. She was a gray-feathered Passive Soaring Avian, like most kids in the school. Daniel walked over and nudged her with his wing. Alex giggled. Daniel was a Dragon, he was one of the only ones in the school, the other being Rose's bully Addison. Unlike Addison, he didn't have arms. The variant of Dragon he was is a Mountain, meaning the wings developed on his arms and not his back like everyone else.

 He learned to use his wings and tail as his hands or arms. Michael walked over and leaned on the locker next to Rose. "So, Rose, are you excited to see what you are?" he asked her. She shrugged and nodded. "Kinda," She murmured. "Maybe you'll be a Dragon like me!" Daniel laughed. She smiled. "That would be nice, but I doubt it, they're very rare," She reminded him. "Maybe an Angel?" Alex suggested. Rose frowned. "Why are you guys suggesting rare Avians?" she chuckled. "Because you'd be perfect for them!" Michael nudged her. 

She blushed. "T-thanks," She mumbled. He smiled. The bell rang. Michael rolled his eyes and went to his locker. He pulled out his books and walked to class. Rose pulled out hers and followed him, since they're in the same class. She sat down next to him. He set down his book on his desk and sighed. "Science is so boringgggg..." he whined. Rose giggled. "I actually like science,'' She told him. He shrugged. " I know, that's the only reason why I stay, or else I'd skip-" he cut off abruptly and he looked away. Rose blushed but opened her book.

 "Okay everyone," Mrs. Mendoza started. Rose looked up to face her. "Today we'll be doing a group project on chemistry. You'll be going to your partner's house to create a Density Lava Lamp. Now I'll pick partners." everyone groaned. Rose glanced quickly at Michael. They locked eyes. They looked away quickly. Why did I look at her? Michael fretted. Rose brushed it off. Mrs. Mendoza rolled her eyes. "Guys, it's not that bad," she chuckled, then started rolling the name picker. She pulled out two names. "Lily and Mark," she called out.

 The two looked at each other from other sides of the room and frowned. They got up and started talking in the back of the class. "William and Henry," she called. They fistbumped. "Addison and Brooklynn," they looked at each other and shrugged. "Riley with and R and Brylie with a B," Mrs. Mendoza called. They nodded to each other. "Michael and Rose," She flinched. Rose looked at him and he smiled kindly at her. She smiled back. We walked to the back of the class with everyone else. "Who's house?" he asked. "Mine is fine," Rose said. He nodded. The bell rang and we frowned. "Mr. Morrow is out for today! So take this time to work on your projects or freetime!" Mrs. Mendoza called. Rose and Michael looked at each other.

 "Freetime," They said in unison. "Before you decide on freetime! Remember, the project is due Wednesday!" Mrs. Mendoza reminded everyone. Michael and Rose rolled their eyes. "We'll finish it tonight," he smirked. Rose nodded. He grabbed her hand and dragged her out the door. She yelped. He dragged her to the lunch room and let go of her hand. The whole room was empty so it was just them. He stretched his wings to the furthest they'd go. He sighed. "That feels good," he murmured. Rose giggled. She felt her stubs twitching. "Uh oh," She hissed.

 "What?" he asked. "My wings, I think they're coming," Rose warned him. He nodded and left to close the cafeteria door, then closed his eyes as she took off her shirt to change it to a wing-compatible one. Her wings flared out, 57 feet long. They were white with pink tips, just like Michael but his tips were purple. She gasped. Michael opened his eyes and he smiled. He ran over and hugged her. "YOU'RE AN ARCHANGEL LIKE ME!" he cried happily. Rose laughed. She hugged him back. He pulled away. "I'll teach you how to fold them and everything!" He began to rant about the things he was gonna do with her. She put her finger to his mouth. 

His face turned red. "I have to learn how to fly before you can do those things with me, but I would love for you to help me learn to fold my wings tightly because," She gestured to her wings that were 11 feet away from her body, even folded. He giggled. He grabbed her hand and twined fingers with her. She blushed. "Let's go, maybe Alex, Maddie, Oliver, and Daniel are out so we can show them," he told her. She nodded as they walked hand in hand out of the lunch room and saw their friends messing around by the lockers. "Guys look!" Michael called. Rose flinched. Alex turned and saw her wings. Alex's mouth gaped. 

"YOU'RE AN ARCHANGEL?!" she exclaimed. Rose nodded slowly. Michael wrapped his wings around her. She leaned into him. Everyone smirked and began teasing them. Rose didn't care, she grabbed his hand and closed her eyes. He smiled and sat down on a bench behind them. His wings let go of Rose and he sighed. She saw Alex stifling a smile behind her hand. Rose frowned. She got up slowly from Michael's lap. "You guys remember Daniel's transformation?" Michael laughed. Alex, Maddie, Oliver and Rose burst into giggles. "How could I forget?" I giggled.

Daniel rushed up to Rose and Alex in a panic. "HELP ME HELP ME" he yelled. Alex smiled. "Hey man what's going on-" she cut off as she saw him. "AHHHH WHERE ARE YOUR ARMS?" she screeched. "I have no HANDS!" he exclaimed in a stupid Irish accent. " Why?!" Rose giggled. "Well," he cut off to sniffle. "Random explanation," he twitched his wings. "Oh okay that seems kinda reasonable actually-" Alex murmured. "I KNOW RIGHT?!" he yelled, still in the irish accent. "Eeeeeeee," Alex hissed as her wing buds began to twitch.

Everyone started laughing their heads off. They all abruptly stopped as the bell rang. "We're all heading to Flight right?" Oliver questioned. Rose nodded happily. They all headed down the hall to the back yard where flight takes place. 

Word count: 1211 words

(So I actually thought of someone making a movie out of this while writting it, idk why but it was reassuring somehow)

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