Part 1: The bear and the kitten

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*Sang POV*


Bob's Diner was empty. There had not been a customer in at least 20 minutes.

North and Luke had left to eat something in the back, while I was left watching the cash register. They had already made me eat.

I was just randomly drawing circles on the counter with my index finger when I heard the front door open

"Finally!" I thought. "A customer."

In walked a tall, blond guy, with sad blue eyes and a surfer look. Beside him, the person I never thought I'd ever see again.

"Raven..." I whispered and slid to the floor slowly.

The surfer guy walked over to the counter and was about to ring the little bell to signal that someone in the kitchen come. Then he saw me, sitting on the floor, tears running down my face.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

But I couldn't answer yet.

Raven was here. In Charleston. After so long...

"Raven." I whispered again.

"Raven." the surfer guy called to him, trying not to scare me. "Come here a bit."

"Yeah?" he asked, still in the same accent he had a few years ago, but less pronounced.

Then he saw me.

"Sang Love?" I could barely hear his whisper.

The surfer guy was looking between us with interest in his eyes, looking as though he had no clue what was going on.

I cried harder, and Raven leapt over the counter to hug me, holding me closer to him and stroking my hair.

I felt his tears hit the top of my head.

We sat there like that for what seemed like forever, yet still didn't seem like enough time.

"What the hell is this?! Brandon? Raven?"


*North POV*

Luke and I had just finished eating in the kitchen. We had thought it would be fine to leave Sang baby with the cash register, as business was so slow.

So were immediately alarmed when we returned to the front and saw Sang baby wrapped in the arms of Raven, a fellow Academy member, and to see Brandon standing there completely baffled.

We had done missions with Raven and his team on multiple occasions, so we knew them pretty well, but this? I just didn't understand it.

"What the hell is this?! Brandon? Raven?"

Brandon looked at me with such a confused expression, it was almost funny.

After looking a second time, I realised that Sang and Raven both had tears in their eyes.


Still confused.

I tried to calm down.

"What's wrong, Sweetie?" Luke was cooing to Sang on his knees beside her. "Are you alright?"

She simply cried more. But Raven looked at Luke, and said something quietly that I almost didn't hear, and almost wished I hadn't:

"I thought she was dead."

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