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Third Persons P.O.V:

Hermione had confided to Ginny about what happened earlier in the day as they both got ready for the party in their dormitory.

Ginny looked at her with a raised eyebrow.

"You didn't even try to move away from her?" She asks and Hermione sighs softly as she pushes down the wrinkles on her dress.

"No! I don't know what happened to me" she groans as she slips on her rings. The ginger hummed for a moment as she thought about the complete relationship between the two girls.

"Why do you two even hate each other? You never explained that to me." Ginny asks as she pulls her black slimming dress on. Hermione zips it up for her, then sighs again.

"There is no real reason, we just don't get along" Hermione explains, and again, Ginny raises her eyebrow. Having no distinct reason to hate someone the way they do, usually means there is something hidden underneath their words.

Hermione turned to face Ginny with a puzzled frown, setting down her makeup back as she gave her friend her full attention.

"A playground crush? I don't recall ever having such a thing," she replied, Ginny leaned in eagerly, ready to recount tales from their childhood that Hermione seemed to have forgotten.

"You know, back in first year when some of the boys would constantly pick on the girls they fancied. They'd call them mean names just to get their attention, or find any little thing to tease them about. Like if Susie's uniform was a bit too small, Johnny would pinch her side and laugh about it all day." she says, Hermione wrinkled her nose distastefully.

"Oh God, now I remember. Why on earth would bullying ever be considered a sign of affection nowadays?" she buffs as she looks back in the mirror and thinks about Y/n in their younger years.

"Beats me, but it was as clear a sign as any on the playground that So-and-so secretly liked So-and-so, even if they'd never admit it. They just didn't know how else to show it back then, I suppose." Ginny replied with a shrug and laugh.

Hermione sighed, tucking an errant curl behind her ear as she reflected more on her relationship with Y/n. Could there be truth to Ginny's observations, as distasteful a signaling method as it seemed?

No. Just the thought of sharing a cab with Y/n was enough to make her want to claw her eyes out.

"I'd rather French kiss a goblin than go on a date with Y/n" Hermione sneers as Ginny rolls her eyes once again.

"No one said anything about a date" Ginny snickers as she walks into the shared bathroom in the door.

Hermione huffed indignantly at Ginny's muffled laughter from within the bathroom. As her friend reemerged drying her hands, Hermione crossed her arms with a stern look.

"I'm being quite serious, Gin. There's no way I'd ever see Y/n as anything more than a nuisance," she grumbled as her eyes landed back on the mirror.

Ginny tossed the hand towel aside and plopped down on her bed, propping herself up on her elbows.

"Come now, are you really going to sit there and tell me you don't feel the least bit curious about what's really going on between you two? All that bickering and debating you do, there's obviously something more underneath," she states with a teasing smirk. Hermione's cheeks colored at the insinuation as she turned away, pretending to busy herself with tidying her already immaculate desk.

"You're reading far too much into what is simply a shared hatred." she huffs as she stands up and pushes down the wrinkles on her dress again.

"All work and no play makes Mione a dull girl," Ginny singsonged. When Hermione shot her a withering look, she held up her hands in mock surrender.

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