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Third Person P.O.V:

The following day, Y/n woke up with a pounding headache, feeling extremely sensitive to light, and still somewhat intoxicated. As a result, she decided to spend the weekend in the dormitory. She found herself in complete darkness, feeling deeply lonely.

Her favorite activity.

Hermione on the other hand, was wonderful the following morning. She even hung up her dress before bed, while Y/n still had her shoes on. The brunette was sitting in the Great Hall when Ginny, Ron, Harry, and even Luna, sat down and started asking her about last night.

She knew this was going to happen, there was no way something as eye-boggling as that would be forgotten so easily by her friends. She might as well have a sign stapled to her forehead that said 'idiot'.

"Okay, what the bloody hell happened to you and Y/n last night? It was like watching the creation of uncanny valley" Ron asks with a grin and Hermione rolls her eyes, trying her best to distance herself from the memory.

"We just danced" Hermione states as she pushes the eggs around on her plate. She knew that was more than dancing. Everyone that even glimpsed at them last night, knew that.

"Hermione, I can say for pretty much everyone here that, that was the closest thing to porn. If Y/n was a guy, I'd be asking you to take a pregnancy test" Ginny jokes and Hermione's face falls into surprise before a soft hue takes over her face. That's it. That's enough questions.

"I'm going back to my dorm," Hermione says as she stands up abruptly, everyone quickly objects while Harry grabs her arm and pulls her back down next to him.

"Talk to us Hermione, what happened between you two?" He asks and Hermione sighs before slouching in defeat. There was no way that she was getting out of here without giving some sort of answer.

"We were both high and drunk, and our barriers went down, happy now?" She asks and Ginny rolls her eyes in return. Hermione would be so stubborn sometimes, but to not even just admit something shifted? That means she was either embarrassed or scared.

"Draco!" Ron calls out suddenly to the blonde and the boy raises his eyebrow at him when he looks back. He had half of a waffle in his mouth and a bit of whipped cream on his nose, the red around the corners of his mouth were either residue of strawberries or raspberries.

"Where's Y/n?" He asked as Draco swallowed down the piece and smirked. Pansy raised an eyebrow at him as well, her green eyes focusing on the group soon after.

"I knocked on her door on the way here, and all I got was a 'too loud' and 'too bright'. I'm guessing she's sleeping off her hangover" he answers and Ron nods in understanding. He too has slept off a terrible hangover, but he didn't remember a time when he was so drunk that he danced with someone he's hated.

"Hey Hermione, maybe you two could get some privacy? Since there's obviously unfinished business from the dance floor last night" Draco says and Hermione turns to him with a glare, but the flustered state of her face, says a lot.

"Don't make me come over there Malfoy" She grits out and he just snickers, turning back to his waffles as Pansy's gaze flickered over to Hermione with not much emotion. The brunette sighs and runs her fingers through her hair as the group continues to talk.

"I hope Y/n found some aspirin," Ginny says as she takes a bite of her bacon and Hermione looks at her confused. That was the second time 'Y/n' and 'aspirin' as been used in the same sentence within a five-hour window.

"What are you talking about?" She asks and Ginny furrowed her brows at Hermione in confusion as well.

"You don't remember what she said to you last night?" She asked and gave her face that said 'obviously', to which Ginny rolled her eyes in response.

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