mums and dads wedding

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That photo is me and my mum on the day of her wedding

On the day day we went down do a pier with a big gazebo and some ducks with lots and lots of family in the morning my auntie
and my two cousins that where female poor chase couldn't be their but at least he was with his dad and my brother and family but anyways the got married down at the pier with my uncles and brothers on my dad's side and my and my sister's on my mom's side no friends on mums side cause she had her 5 daughters plus and adoptive sister kind of and my dad on had two sons on his side so we added my uncle b.j and b.dr and pop r.d PS. There initials I don't want to give out name's. Then we went to jump on this rainbow pillow witch was kinda like a bouncy castle then later in the night we went to this old rented country club and danced and at cake but before that stated me and my sibling and some friends helped set of some decorations the theme was supposed to be red and black but my dad loved Sidney Swans and so the added white

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2022 ⏰

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