Chapter 1

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6:28 am

*I hear Ji-na's voice*

Ji-na:Y/n ah~ Wake up

*I slowly open my eyes and see Ji-na holding a uniform in her hand*

Ji-na:I washed your uniform,Now get ready...

Y/n:Thank you...

*She placed the uniform on my bed*

Ji-na:Now get ready,mom already made breakfast!

*She walked out of the room*

Y/n:What time is it

*I looked at the clock and saw that it's 6:30 am,i quickly stood up and went to the bathroom*

I showered,Brushed my hair/teeth,Did skin care and put the uniform on

I showered,Brushed my hair/teeth,Did skin care and put the uniform on

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*I walked out of my room and saw everyone sitting at the table*

Eun-Hee:Y/n,you need to start waking up earlier or else you will get late to school!

*I sat down and ate*

Y/n:I will auntie

Eun-Hee:Okay,now eat up cause it's nearly time for you guys to get going...

Ji-na:I will go with the Bus

Y/n:I want to go with the bike

Eun-Hee:If you want to go with the bike,you should leave now or else your late


*I stood up and grabbed my backpack*

Y/n:Bye auntie and Sa-na,See you in a while Ji-na

*I put on my shoes and left the apartment*

I grabbed my bike and went to school,
Once i arrived
I saw Ji-na waiting at the front door with a guy next to her

*I walked up to them*

Y/n:Hello Ji-na

Ji-na:Hey,we were waiting for you


Ji-na:Cause he is new too,You guys can go together to the teacher office

Y/n:Oh alright,I'm Kim Y/n

Jae-yi:Seo Jae-yi

*He extended his arm and i whole his hand*

Ji-na:The teacher office is that way

*She pointed the way*

Y/n:Alright,Let's go Seo Jea-yi

*We went to the teacher office and walked in,Seo Jae-yi was called by a male Teacher and i was called my a female teacher*

Maeng:Hello,You must be Y/n.Im Teacher Maeng.

*I bowed for her*

Y/n:Yes i am Kim Y/n

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