Chapter 13

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I open my eyes slowly and see Rok-hee Infront of me

Y/n:Where am i...

Rok-hee:Y/n!You are awake


*I sit up and look around*

Rok-hee:You are in the hospital

Y/n:What happened?

Rok-hee:You fainted during our fight practice


Rok-hee:The Doctor said that you weren't eating enough and that your body couldn't handle it,so it shutdown.Causing you to faint

Y/n:Aish,Did you tell anyone?

Rok-hee:No,i was waiting until you were awake

Y/n:Don't,i dont want the others to worry about me

Rok-hee:Okay,but feed yourself and make sure you eat enough

Y/n:i will,let's leave

*I stood up and rok-hee helped me,we walked outside the hospital and got on the bus,i went back home with the bus and once i arrived i saw Ro-bin leave*

Y/n:Hey Robin!

Robin:Ah,where have you been the whole day?

Y/n:With rok-hee,where are you going?

Robin:Part time

*He turned around and walked away,i followed him to this club and he entered in it without trouble*

Y/n:What are you doing Seo Robin!

*I walked up to the entrance of the club but the body guard stopped me*

Bodyguard:You have to be +18

Y/n:i am

Bodyguard:Show me ID

Y/n:Aish,i dont have it on me right now

Bodyguard:I'm sorry then but you can't go in

Y/n:Please,i just need to talk to Robin


Y/n:Okay,listen big men!

*I grabbed him by the collar*

Y/n:Robin needs to take his meds,and I'm here to bring them and if he doesn't get them he will get an attack,You don't want that on your your name?do you?


Y/n:Okay,then let me in or else you'll have a lawsuit on your back


*He gave me a gesture to go inside*

Y/n:Thank you

*I walked inside*

Y/n:Jezus,the music here is loud

*I closed my ears and walked around searching for Robin*


*I spotted him at the bar,sitting down and i ran towards him,he looked shocked at me*

Y/n:Robin!It's dangerous working in club!

Robin:What are you doing here!

*He grabbed my arm and dragged me outside*

Robin:Why don't you mind your own business?

Y/n:It's dangerous working here

Robin:i know but it pays well,so leave me alone

*He pushed me against the wall and walked back inside*

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