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It was dark and i could hear the screaming sounds clearly everything became blurry as tears started flowing out of my eyes so shut them close in fear and when i opened them i saw my parents lying there on the floor and pool of blood forming around them, i saw a man standing next to them holding a bloody knife in his hands, his face was clearly visible under the little light that was coming through the broken window, he had pitch black hair and his clear hazel eyes shined like tiny stars, he looked quite familiar and i froze when i realized who it was.

"ha!" my eyes opened "ugh it's been a while since i had this nightmare" i sat up and looked at my phone which displayed 12:30AM i got up and went to the restroom to freshen up a little since i wasn't able to sleep anymore, i came back after a while and my phone rang, it was a call from Alice, 'Alice? why is she calling me at this hour?' i picked up "hey~ you up already?" she said "yeah what is it?" i asked "nothing just got some good news for you" "what godd news?" "we finally found him and where he is hiding" a grin slowly appeared on my face 'finally after all these years' "that is good news indeed and where is he?" i said after a while "he is in country Hidalgo" 'Hidalgo?' i got lost in thought "Anna? hello~ Anna?" Alice broke my thoughts "yeah! good job, then i guess we will be leaving today for Hidalgo" "today?" "yes today, so get ready this is going to be hell of an adventure" i said and hung up the call.


'it's 10:00AM already and the flight is of 1:00PM i should tell grandma about this trip' "grandma! grandma! grand-" "why are you shouting so early in the morning child? be a little soft will you!" i heard her from behind "oh! there you grandma where were you?" i asked "in the kitchen, i made your favorite blue berry pancakes" "love you grandma~~" "oh really? well if you do then stop buttering me and come eat before its gets cold" "okay!" i responded and followed her to the dining room, we sat and she placed deliciously looking pancakes on my plate, we began eating, then after a while as i was about to tell her she asked me "so why were you calling me?" "oh i was just.....umm" "what is it?" she asked suspiciously" i looked down unable to maintain the eye contact with her and said "me and the girls are going to country Hidalgo....we finally found him and were going there to give him what he deserves" "why can't you just let it go it has been 21 years you don't need to dirty your hands" her voice broke as she spoke and rage hit me when heard that "let it go? how can i let it go? i'm going to kill him for what he did" i shouted and silence greeted us, after a while she spoke with tears in her eyes "i'm just worried....what if something bad happens again...." "grandma don't cry nothing is going to happen" "no- what if you get hurt i don't want to lose you too" "grandma don't be silly i know how to fight i'm strong i won't get hurt...stop crying okay?" i consoled her, few minutes later when she calmed down we resumed our breakfast sadness still in her eyes 'maybe i shouldn't have told her about this trip and just have lied saying it's a business trip? hah! whatever' "when will you be coming back?" she asked pulling me out of my thoughts "yes? oh.. i don't exactly know....maybe a month or more" "a month?" she asked in disbelief "that long...your not going" she declared "what? why?" "because i said so" "ah! grandma don't be silly i'll be fine, i promise i'll come back safe and sound plus Alice and Alexzondra will also be there too" "sigh...promise me you won't get hurt" "i promise" after i said that a sad smile formed on her face "okay now get ready your getting late" "ok".

After wishing grandma goodbye i took a cab to the airport.

When i reached the airport Alice and Alexzondra were already there waiting for me "aren't you right on time" Alexzondra said to me in a mocking tone i smiled and told her why i was late "grandma can be really sentimental at times" commented Alice "yes she can" i agreed "anyways let's get going to Hidalgo now shall we?" asked Alice "yes we shall". After a while In the plain when we settled in our seats the airhostess asked us to tighten our seat belts as the plain was about to take off soon...'it's really happening, i'll be finally getting my revenge now' i got lost in my thoughts as the plain took off.

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