▪︎5 - 'not in love' my ass▪︎

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This chapter contains mature language and dirty humour (barely).



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"Jeongin-ah, where have you been? We have been searching the bloody entirety of Seoul for about 5 minutes and we couldn't find you anywhere!" Jisung huffed as he jumped next to the younger on the couch, giving him a brief cuddle.

The youngest giggled, and wrapped an arm around his hyung. "Now i know where you get the dramatic side of you, hyung. Hyunjin hyung most definitely influenced you. And i've just come back from the gym with Channie hyung!!" he exclaimed happily.

"Aww, the young agi ppang is wanting to get buuuuff?" Jisung teased and ruffled the younger's hair. "You look good though. Kinda smexy, yknow-"

"Don't let Channie hyung hear you say that-" Jeongin laughed out, and started to whisper. "He's the jealous type."

The older nodded understandingly, a small smile on his face. "Soooooo, Channie, hmm?" Let's hope Jeongin doesn't snitch on him for not using honorifics.

Jeongin only blushed at the question, and looked away. "I-It's nothing! We only go to the gym together because he felt lonely! And plus, whenever Minho hyung goes with him, Minho hyung only watches him instead of taking part, and Channie hyung only feels more motivated when someone joins him-" he explained, before he faced Jisung; bad mistake, as the older was smirking mischievously. "Hyung, i-i am not in love with him!"

"I never said anything!" Jisung huffed and stomped his foot. "'Not in love' my ass.. We'll see how fast you two get together in the next two weeks because that's how fanfics work-"


"Oh, nothing, Innie." Jisung dismissed it and smiled warmly. "Well, even if you dooooo love Channie hyung, which i know you don't but just in case, it's all okay! Love is love! You're allowed to feel attracted to anyone you want!"

"I knoooooow." Jeongin thought for a while, before it was his turn to smirk. "SoOooOoO... Hyunjin hyung, hmmmm??"

Now, Jisung had turned into a beautifully handsome tomato, and he covered his face with his hands. If he lies now, he'll only sound like a hypocrite - he's literally just told Jeongin to be honest with his feelings, and lying to him, saying that he has no feelings towards his best friend, is just plain hypocritical. "I-I... Yeah.. H-Hyunjin."

The younger squealed and clapped. "Yes!!! Now Felix hyung owes me 5 packets of ramen!"

"You- You bet on me-? On me and Hyunjin?" The older was taken aback, just a little.

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