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A joint work  ME And

The story starts.........

October 10th

It was noisy and a special day  for
Minato namikaze or The fourth hokage he was going to be became a father that's right his wife Kushina namikaze-uzumaki
Was going to give birth to his kids
Which they were both excited and
Also in huge tension because the seal was going to get weaken and there is a chance that kyubi will try to get out from her.
Yes kyubi  was sealed in the fourth Hokages wife when she was a genin . The delivery started  and we can hear Kushina screaming from the labour Minato got frightened as he never saw his wife in this state he quickly grabbed his wife's hand said
"U can do this dear push!!"

As the sound of the babies could be heard in the room.The delivery  being a sucess.They were triplets.
The eldest was Naruto  boy with blond hair like his father and whisker marks on his face and brown eyes the second one was menma boy with red hair and blue eyes like his mother and third was a girl  Mito with a blond girl with red colour at the end of her hair  and eyes of minat and suddenly after giving birth Kushina was unconscious and leaking kyubis chakra . the nurse took the babies away as Minato commended her.he tried to calm her wife down by some seals but it got more complicated as kyubi  came out of Kushina by breaking the seal and started rampaging in konoha the area near hospital was fully destroyed however Minato was fully tensed of the situation as called ANBU and asked them to being jiraya,tsunade and lord third. As Minato went outside to control the kyubi. However kyubi destroyed 1/4 past of konoha already but after few minutes Jiraya,Tsunade and lord third came and asked Minato what happend and why is the kyubi  here as Minato explained what happend  after understanding they decided to seal the kyubi inside the triplets because they had uzumaki blood in them.minato placed the children on the altar he summoned and started performing handsigns for Reaper death seal how ever lord third caught his hands said "I will perform the seal Minato you have a family to take care of " as he said and smiled a bit and Minato said"thank you lord third I will always remember you" as Kushina came there as she was healed from her some injuries and asked what happend as she saw jiraya controlling the kyubi to some extent as she saw  his grandfather figure person perform handseal for a dangerous seal jutsu as she saw tears fell from her eyes as he performed the jutsu and a white coulour figure appears behind him and asked
"Why you keep disturbing my nap time idiotic mortals"

Lord third "Please split kyubis chakra  and soul and seal them in this children"

Shinigami "Do you know the price mortal"

Lord third"yes do it fast the kyubi is destroying our village"

The shinigami smirked and looked at children and saw a blond boy and  said
,"I didn't thought a child this one will I find in the world of mortals
The time of prophecy has come it seems "

All the people were confused but didn't took it too much seriously

As he performed the sealing and sealed yang chakra into menma and Ying chakra into Mito and the soul into Naruto but while sealing the soul some thing was released like a killer intent but it was totally different and more dangerous but the sealing was done and it was a sucess but narutos blond hair started to change and his hair colour changed to orange  like kyubis fur and his whiskers faded as paper buring. The shinigami  said
"I see a intersting story here I will watch your life from now on the child of prophecy" as he said the last part slowly and dissapeard from the scene

Minato instaly took his wife and children into the hospital and
Told tsunade to check them
As tsunade checked Kushina and menma and Mito and said they were fine however when she was checking Naruto her face changed as she said with low tune
"Minato and Kushina I have something important to tell you about Naruto "
The both parents knew it was something so they both said yes and listened carefully as she continues
(Remember this)
"As we know Chakra is a combination of spiritual energy and body energy. Every human have some amount of chakra, but
Narutos body energy  to store chakra has been destroyed during the sealing of soul due to his weak body  and he cannot use chakra anymore or be a shinobi  and there's more to add while his body energy was being destroyed  his vocal cords also got destroyed  he cannot talk in future but there
is a chance his vocal cords will get healed eventually"

As she said and went outside the room with a SAd look on her face
Minato and Kushina were crying their son who they were thinking will become the strongest shinobi had no chakra and cannot be a shinobi but to add more salt to their wounds jiraya came barged in his room and said
" Minato Kushina I know what happend to Naruto but this is more important for now as they make themselves calm from the news as jiraya said
"I was summoned by the toads and told about the prophecy the prohecy is
"He/she would be favored by Shinigami, Kami, and Yami.

He/she would rise from the ash of the forgotten.

With a thread of red that followed him from the pain and betrayal.

He/she will make the phoenix cries.

He/she will make the dragons bows.

He/she will make the wolf howls.

And the jaguar hiss.

He/she would be the titan of the main four.

With the clan of war holding him/her high to reach his goals.

with the betrayal forgotten behind.

The forgiven heart of gold.

All hail the sage of the main four.

After saying the prophecy jiraya said"they have to be Menma and Mito as they have kyubi chakra which is the greatest power in the current era we should start their training at early age"

Kushina little hated Naruto she blamed Naruto for his grandfather lord third death but not told anyone  about this  so she kept quite

Minato  knew but they still asked"then what about Naruto ?"

Jiraya said"As we know Naruto has no chakra he cannot be a shinobi but he will be able to hold kyubis soul as he would need had no chakra to keep soul but we can teach him some taijutsu for self defense after his body is a bit strong "

They both nodded and went inside to see the babies and smile

Little did they knew they were going to make a big  mistake .

After a while after the village settling down from the attack the fourth Hokages announce the third Hokages death and said"the kyubis chakra  is sealed in Menma and Mito they are declared as heroes of konoha"as the villagers cheered and shouted with joy on hearing they were saved and Minato added "and the soul of the kyubi is sealed in Naruto but his hair colour changed while sealing from blond hair colour to kyubis somehow he said with a confused look" and went too see his children again and the villagers gritted their teeth. ~~~~~

Little did he knew he made his child Life  already a hell!!