Seungmin, smile!

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"Hey let's take pictures!" Seungmin pointed at the little photo booth. The two boy spent the day together since their boyfriend were busy teaching dances class all day.

"Alright." Jisung wasn't to excited for this. The seat it the booth was always small. How do two people even sit comfortably in there. His thighs were definitely thicker than the puppy's and that what worried jisung

When they got closer jisung began to think of an excuse. He didn't want seungmin to be sad but he didn't want to embarrass himself.

"Hey Minnie, you go in. I'm going to control the filters out here. And I'll make sure no one steals them. " Jisung looked at seungmin with a small smile.

"No." That's all the puppy said. "Come on, I want pictures together not just me. I have enough selfies for that. "

Jisung just sighed. But the people behind them were getting annoying.

"Hurry up."

Jisung just looked at them and back at seungmin. "Please.."

"Fine..." seungmin went in alone,
Jisung stayed outside and got the photos but he had noticed seungmin wasn't smiling in any of them.

Jisung stuck his head in the booth and showed the puppy. "Seungmin smile! "

The puppy just scoffed at him. "How could you tell me that. I won't smile unless you're sitting here next to me." He patted the area right next to him. "Come on sit, please.."

Jisung just nodded. He fully got into the booth and sat next to seungmim trying to make himself as small as he could.

"Ji, get closer to me, there's a lot of space. " seungmin had noticed jisung scoot to the end.

"Are you comfortable?" Was all jisung asked.

Seungmin nodded and moved closer to the other. "Get closer hyung I won't bite."

Jisung slowly got closer making sure seungmin was always comfortable. The puppy smiled when jisung looked at him. "Alright, say cheese!"

After the boys came out (🏳️‍🌈)  of the booth seungmin quickly got the photos and smiled. "Thank you sungie for joining me. It's so boring with just one person. These photo booth are usually made for two."

"I know but I didn't know if I'd- never mind. Let me see." Jisung looked down at the photos in seungmin's hands. "Cute, I like the filters.."

"Excuse me, can you all move."

Seungmin looked up from the photos and was met with a group of teenagers. He was about to open his mouth the say something but jisung beat him to it.

"Yeah, sorry." Jisung pulled seungmin to the side and watched the group get into the booth with trouble. Yeah, the girls were probably sitting on the boys laps but they're were all skinny.

"Hey sung?" Seungmin had caught jisung biting his cheek. "I'm sorry if you felt force to get in there with me. I was probably the one to make you uncomfortable. "

"What? No no min don't be sorry. I just need to be more confident or maybe I need to start losing a little bit of weight. One of those should help." The next thing Caught jisung of guard. Seungmin flicked his forehead pretty hard.

"No, don't say that. The second option isn't needed. You just need to gain confidence okay?"

Jisung just looked at the puppy surprised.

"Okay? Say okay jisung."

Jisung just nodded. He was still taken back because of the flick. "Okay I understand."

"Good, now come on let's go. Hyungjin said he wants us to meet him and Minho at our apartment to eat dinner."

With that, jisung and seungmin left. The photos ended up going on the fridge at seungmin apartment.

Jisungs photos went on the boarder of his full body mirror.

This story is going to be jisung-centric...hehe
Sending love your way
~Nevaeh 💖

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