Just a little stressed

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"Son, how was the medicine been working. Are you less anxious?" Mrs. Han took her eyes off the bottle of pills and looked towards her son who was at the kitchen table working on a song.

"Y-yeah. It works." Jisung was about to place his headphones back on but he's mother stopped him.

"Do you really need it? I've never seen any signs of anxiety from you. Plus it makes you gain weight, that's sucks."

Jisung could feel tears starting to build up, but he pushed them away. His mom didn't deserve them, she never did. "Mom, that because the medicine is helping. You don't really see sign because of the medication." Jisung tried to wrap up the conversation but his mother kept talking.

"Well, since you're feeling better can you get off them?"

Jisung did his best to hold his tongue back. "Mom, it doesn't work like that. You can't just cure anxiety. If you're worried about money, then I'll start paying for them."

"No, son I- never mind. I'm just wondering what I did wrong as a mother for you to be like this." Mrs. Han placed the pills back in the cabinet and walked out of the room.

Jisung found himself closing his laptop and packing it in his backpack. He placed his headphones on and put on his shoes. He walked passed his dad and out the door. His feet knew where they were going, the place to get his thoughts out. The studio.

Chan and changbin weren't working today so the studio was left to jisung alone. The company was alway open late, it was perfect for sung. He would rather go to Minho's place but he's Been there too much this week. He was afraid to bother the two Lee's.


Han quietly opened the door to their studio and closed it, locking it. He sat down on his seat and let everything sink in for a while. After a couple of minutes jisung started to take out his laptop. He started we're here left off.

He totally ignored the laptop on the desk. The laptop with a Deadpool sticker on it. Jisung was to lost in thought to care about his surroundings at the moment.

He didn't move from his position until he felt a hand on his shoulder. He quickly ripped out his headphones and turned around.

"Ji, what are you doing here?. We're off" Chan sat down and looked at the bright screen of jisung laptop. He had started on a new song.

"I- I just wanted to get out...but I was about to leave. Don't worry." The younger closed his laptop and put it in his backpack. He zipped it up and swung his backpack onto his back.

"I'll drive you home. Come on, let's go." Chan opens the door, letting jisung go first. They quietly walked outside and to the parking lot. The sun was already down, it was passed 9pm.

Jisung got into the car and put on his seatbelt he watched as his hyung did the same.

As the ride continued and jisung got closer to home he couldn't help but think about his parents. He shouldn't be complaining, he doesn't even have it bad. He's just weak.

"Ji, you're bleeding." Chan moved jisung hand out of his mouth. The older stoped the car and parked on the side. He reach his hand over the the passenger compartment and opened it. He pulled out this little box of band-aids. "Gimme.." Chan reached out his hand and grabbed Jisungs. He opened the plastic wrap and carefully placed it around Hans bleeding thumb.

"I didn't noticed, I'm sorry." Jisung looked at this thumb and smiled for the first time today. The band-aid were Tuxedo Sam themed. "Cute!" The younger totally forgot about his injury and opened up the container again to see the different designs.

Chan smiled putting his worry to the side. He just watched his first stray kid show him the different band-aids even though he's been through this with jeongin. He had bought those just for him.


"Yeah." Jisung answered as he put away the container. He was still smiling

"Why were you at the studio, be honest?" Chan watched as jisung smile dropped. Now he regrets asking, but he knew something was off with jisung.

"I was just a little stressed. I got this new medication for my anxiety and my mom was asking question about it." Jisung let out sigh and he leaned back into the seat. "I can't help but think Maybe she's right about somethings..."

The older started to laugh a little leaving jisung confused. "I'm sorry sung, but your mom would never be right. Especially when it comes down for what's best for you." Chan has met jisungs mother a couple times, he wasn't very found of her.

"Hey, bubs have you eaten today?" Chan was about to start the car when the question came up to mind. "Me and Innie made dinner, do you wanna come over? Free meal plus you won't have to go home."

Jisung wanted to say yes, he would've said yes but he   Couldn't eat anymore. He would go over his calorie intake for the day. " thanks Hyung, but I already ate earlier. Plus I wouldn't wanna bother, or third wheel with you two."

Chan just rolled his eyes. He then started the car but didn't take off. "Jisung, you aren't skipping meals, right?"

The silence in the car was too much for the younger boy. He knows what he's doing is wrong but he just has a little hope that he can try a get close to his old weight. It was just a couple of pounds.  "No, I'm not. I'm just watching what I eat because of the meds."

Chan just nodded his head. "Oh, okay. Just take care of yourself sung."

"I Will hyung."

The car ride continued and jisung had gotten home at some point. His mother and father were gone when he got there, they were probably at a business dinner or something. Jisung was finally alone, he laid on the couch and did one of his favorite things. He watched music videos from Day 6 and at The Rose.

That's how he healed himself from time to time.

These are the band-aid!!! Aren't they cute!! ☹️

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These are the band-aid!!! Aren't they cute!! ☹️

Hey!! I hope you're doing well, don't stress please. Also, check up on your friends and family. Take care, sending love your way
~Nevaeh 💖

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