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Chocolate or vanilla?

Everyone in vongola knows that the male mist guardian LOVES chocolate. It's even noted on the vongola memberclub rules.

69# never insult chocolate in front of the mist guardians.

Why Chrome also included? Well wherever one mist go the other will closely follows.

So when one day Tsuna had enough of chocolates desserts, "I've had enough! Just make something else today like, I don't know maybe, vanilla flavored?"

"Kufufufu, and why is that necessary tsunayoshi-kun. I think it's fine the way they are."

Tsuna rubbed his aching temples, feeling worse cause all the paperwork piling up because of the man in front of him. "Too much sweets caused diabetes."

"Kufufu, vanilla cakes is also sweets though."

Irritated he said, "It will ruined my mood if its still here."

Mukuro eyes narrowed, "Do you not like chocolates, Tsunayoshi?"

"Well I prefer vanilla more actually."

There was a dark smirk on Mukuro's face. "Kufufufu what's delicious about that white stuff? It's tasteless and doesn't have strong flavour."

Tsuna squinted, "Mild is the best cause it's light. Not like some sweets that'll likely rot my teeth if I ate too much."

Mukuro quietly grips on his trident. Tsuna eyes became slightly orange tinted.

That day, people who passed Tsuna's office didn't dare to enter because sounds of fighting and things breaking was heard from inside. Along with shouts like '...is the BEST!' 'taste like trash!' 'Your taste sense is trash!'

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2022 ⏰

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