chapter 9 Confusion

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Kiaba's POV:
Ashara's so sweet
I've been betrayed many times
But he's the one person i can't let betray me

"So" Ashara says
"Feeling any better?"

"Mmh not really"
"But you are helping distract me from it"

"Hmm well atleast im helping in some way"


"Excuse me" someone says

I look over to the balcony, to see someone standing there, i don't recognise them

"Apologies for the intrusion"
"However i have a message from Ra"

"Ra?" I say
"As in, my grandfather Ra?"


"What does he say?"

"Dearest Kiaba, it truly hurts to hear what my daughter has done to you.
However, things have changed, and by that i mean, my daughter is no longer a deity, i have, in a sense, fired her. So we no longer have a deity of Feline. However, there is the son, and my grandson that could take over that job, yes, i am referring to you Kiaba. Unfortunately i don't think you have a choice, as, once a deity is no longer a deity, there oldest automatically becomes the next deity. So over the next couple of weeks, perhaps months, maybe years, you will be experiencing some changes, but do not worry, it is all natural,
I wish you and your husband the best
-Grandfather Ra"


"I um.. i shall leave now"
They put down the scroll that they were reading from on the bed, and leave

"Kiaba?" Ashara says


"Are you alright?"

"Yeah yeah I'm fine, just... shocked"

"I understand"

"So i don't get a choice? I'm going to be a god whether i want to or not?"

"But don't worry, I'll be here with you every step of the way"

I smile
"Thank you Ashara"

I suddenly feel a bit strange

I must make a strange face because Ashara says

"Kiaba? Are you alright?"

"I just feel a bit... wierd"

"Uh.. dear?"


"You um, you have a blue patch on your face?"


Word Count- 333

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