chapter 11 ♡forever♡

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Ashara my love..


I can't loose you....

I've lost so many people...

Please don't let one be you..


"Hm? Yes Inpu?"

"What are you doing?"

"Oh I'm uh.. just thinking"

"Hmm alright"

Inpu's been worried about me recently
I'm not sure why
I'm purrfectly fine

Inpu's POV:

Somethings wrong with Kaiba
I can tell
I've known him my entire life
Why does he lie to me?

"Have you seen Ashara?" He asks

"No i haven't"

"Oh.. alright"

He seems disappointed
he's always with Ashara
and when he's not, his mood changes
Ashara makes him act a certain way
I guess thats what love does to you

Kaiba's POV:

2 people come through the front door
And Ashara❤

"Ah there you 2 are" Inpu says, clearly annoyed

"I'm sorry my love, we where busy" bryan says

"Its fine dove" ugh that nickname, Bryan's not even a dove?

I'm slouched back
Arm on my arm rest
Chin on my hand

Ashara's POV:

somethings wrong with Kaiba
But what?
He's not the usual happy kitty I know and love..



"Are you alright?"

"I'm fine"

He's clearly not fine

Bryan and Inpu take their leave
So its just me and Kaiba..

"Darling please.. whats wrong.."


I sigh

He's not gonna tell me..

"........ I just don't wanna loose you...." he says, confusing me

"Huh? Loose me?"

"Yeah like... you dying..."

Ah, i see why he's acting like this, he's been having nightmares of me getting hurt or dying

"Kitty I've already told you, i won't die"

"But i watched it happen" his voice is shaking

"I know.. and i know those nightmares scare and traumatise you.. but they're not real"

I walk up to Kaiba

"Promise...?" He sounds like he might cry... i hate seeing him like this...

"I promise"

I pick Kaiba up, bridal style

I carry him to our bedroom and lay him down

I take my shirt off then lay next to him, and cuddle him

He purrs

"I promise we will always be together" i say
"I promise i will always love you"



Word Count: 354

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