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There was once a serene, blue sky. The sky was framed by light, fluffy clouds, which resulted in a gorgeous combination of clouds and sky. The beautiful cyan ocean is directly beneath you, with tumbling waves crashing onto the ocean's surface. Don't forget the soothing breeze, calming your nerves. If you could have taken a photo of it, you would have been in awe of its breathtaking nature. However, I should have known that nothing peaceful lasts forever.

"A pair of bogeys in the air, on the radar." My RIO, Hurricane states.

"Are they friendly?" I quickly ask my team.

"I don't know." So says Joker in an unsure tone.

"Do we have permission to fire?" I ask, hopefully, because then we could end this quickly. Hurricane and I are the best on this squadron, with Joker and Raptor closely behind us. In all reality, the four of us work like one unit, and it's perfect in situations like these when you need to be in sync.

"Negative, do not fire until fired upon." Says Admiral Ford.

"Dang it, how far out are they, Hurricane?" I wanted to wrap this up quickly.

"Two hundred miles, G."

"If they get closer than one hundred and fifty miles within us, you guys get them out of here!" Says Admiral Ford.

A pair of MIG-28s flew right past us, except there were four of them! Not one pair, but two of them! One of them flies right behind me and gets missile lock. Then lets out a missile.

"Smoke in the air! Smoke in the air!" Hurricane, panicky shouts. I quickly launch the flares.

"Crap, we will need backup immediately, two pairs of bandits, not one! And fired on me! Chaos I defending!" I yell into the comms.

"Catapult is damaged; the quickest possible time of having it up is in ten minutes." So says Admiral Ford in a matter-of-fact tone.

"This will be over in less than five!" Raptor shouts in the comms, and now everyone is staying to feel the pressure of this task.

"Alright, listen up, guys. On the count of three, Joker, break left, and I will break right. Then we can be behind these guys and shoot them down."

"Roger, G-Force! Ready when you are." Says Joker.

"One, two, three! Break!" With each of us regrouping behind them, we gained missile lock on two of them.

"I got missile lock, Joker!"

"So do I, G-Force."

We both shot a missile, and we hit two of them.

"Splash one and two!" Hurricane shouts.

"Joker, hang in there for a bit; we will get a bandit to follow us."

"What? No! Stick together, G. Don't leave us!"

This situation is one of those rare moments when we disagree on what to do. It usually ends up pretty horrible, but I have a great idea, and I think it will do the job.

"Don't you leave me, G-Force." Shouts Joker in a pleading voice.

"Chaos II, you are looking good; I'm going to get another bandit." However, I know that Joker and Raptor can hold their own, so they will be fine.

"G, I don't know if we should've left them." Hurricane coffees.

"Listen, I got a great idea- "Before I could finish it, Hurricane cut me off.

"The last time you had a great idea, you nearly got us kicked out of the Navy!" Hurricane scolds.

"Well, they haven't, and it's because we are the best! We should be getting accepted to Top Gun any time soon."

STARS // PETE "MAVERICK" MITCHELLWhere stories live. Discover now