The Job

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"What?! Ten million pounds!" Tristan exclaimed.
Gabriel nodded. "Yes, ten million pounds. Do you accept?"
Tristan thought about it for a minute. "Okay, I'll do it."
Gabriel laughed. "Of course."
"No problem, sir. I'll take care of it." Tristan stood up from his chair and walked towards the door.
"One last thing, Tristan. Don't tell anyone about this agreement. We don't want word getting out about this arrangement with you. If anyone finds out, we'll lose our credibility, and then you'll never be able to live in peace."
"I understand. Thanks for the opportunity, Gabriel." Tristan opened the door.
"Don't thank me yet. You still have to go and do what I need you to do," Gabriel called after him.
Tristan stopped and turned around. "I guess I'll see you tomorrow then."
He left Gabriel's office and headed home. As he walked, he was thinking about what Gabriel had said. He knew who Gabriel was talking about. He'd studied Langley's work himself.
Langley was a genius when it came to economics. He was able to predict trends and fluctuations with uncanny accuracy, and his predictions almost always came true. He had been the CEO of several large companies over the past few decades, and he was arguably the most powerful man in the world when it came to business.
If Tristan wanted to become rich, then he had to kill Thomas Langley. But one question lingered in his mind, what if he asked Gabriel to join the illuminati? If Gabriel owed Tristan a favor, he could get in. Then Tristan wouldn't have to worry about killing people for money anymore.
But then he'd be working for the illuminati, which would make him the enemy of everyone he knew and loved.
And who was to say that they weren't already enemies?
Tristan decided to stop thinking about it. He had his orders. He had to go to Langley's house and kill him.
Tristan arrived at Langley's mansion, located in a wealthy part of town. Tristan had visited the place once before, and he was surprised at how big it was. It was larger than the queen's castle.
The front door opened and a servant greeted him. "Good evening, Mr. Langley. We received your message and we'll be happy to greet you on your arrival."
"Thank you," Tristan said.
The servant took him to the elevator and they went up three floors to Langley's private rooms. They stepped off the elevator and walked down a long hallway until they reached a door. The servant knocked softly, then let them in.
They entered a large room with marble pillars and white carpeting. There was a fireplace in one corner of the room with a beautiful carving of a lion on top of it. Langley was sitting in a leather armchair next to the fireplace, reading a book. He looked up when he heard the knock at the door, then he rose and went to greet Tristan.
"Hello, Tristan. How are you?" Langley asked as he shook hands with him.
"I'm fine, sir. And yourself?" Tristan replied.
"I'm doing well. I hope you have found this place comfortable."
"It's very nice, thank you," Tristan replied.
Langley sat back down in his chair and gestured for Tristan to sit across from him on a matching leather couch. Tristan sat down as instructed, and Langley continued. "So I hear you have some information for me?"
"Yes, sir. I've done the job you hired me for. I've killed your brother, Jonathan Langley."
"Excellent work!" Langley exclaimed. "Your reward will be coming shortly," Langley said.
After Tristan's reward arrived, a brand new golden Desert Eagle, which he nicknamed "Stich" Tristan then used that same gun to murder Mr. Langley.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2022 ⏰

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