We are like a time bomb, but i need it

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Hey guys, I know its not Ms Bitch nor City of fool but im sorta on a writers block with those so writing a new one always helps me. I started writing this one this week and i am really starting to like it so i though i would post it. Im planing on it being a short story, but you never know soo idk

Hope you like it!!!!!!







And then smack


Gah what is that infuriating sound!? Thought Callia.

But she was to tired to do anything about it and went back to sleep when the sound stopped.




And then smack


This continued a few more times every time the same thing but the noise would be even louder every time.

The next time it happened Callia had had enough.

She shuffled in the bed and turned to the noise.

She first noticed a body next to her as all her senses came to full attention.

Her groggy eyes finally focused on the body and noticed it was a guys body.

Oh oh.


Who was this?? The person was lying on its stomach and the moment the alarm got too loud he smacked the snooze button falling back asleep with his hand still on the alarm clock.

Relief flooded her as she saw the familiar tattoos running up the guys arm.

Right, Declan she remembered.

After his shift at the bar he texted her to meet him by the back of the bar and she- already a bit tipsy from the shots taken in honor of her 21st birthday- agreed. She had convinced her drunken self that this was her early birthday present to herself. Early because her birthday was the next day but her friends where too excited to wait so they waited till 12 for it to actually be legal and celebrated with some more shots and drinks. And even though Declan probably did not even know it was her birthday and he also probably did not even care; she -still in her drunken state- said goodbye to her friends last night with a cheap excuse of early an class the next day and went off to the back of the bar to meet up with her hot present.

Him not caring didn’t really affect her because she did not care for him either. She just enjoyed him as a sex partner.

They weren’t even friends with benefits, they were just that.

Sex partners.

She liked this system. She did not have to do the whole girlfriend boyfriend thing, with dates and stuff. She was too busy to do that; with being the president of her sorority and many other positions in the student government of her university.

We are like a time bomb, but i need itWhere stories live. Discover now