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"Sooooo....since that just happened," Toy Chica said in a teenager type voice, "who wants to go shopping?
Every animatronic, and myself, turned and looked at Toy Chica.
"Shopping?!?!" Exclaimed Toy Freddy, "not everyone wants or even likes shopping Toy Chica."
"Woah. Hold up. We just made up and now you are yelling and at each other's throats again. Toy Freddy you need to cool down. Toy Chica you need to stop being so teenager like. We all need to just take a deep breath and relax," Puppet said acknowledging the situation.
"Puppet is right. We all need to calm our stuff and not try to kill each other," I chimed in.
"Who said you could talk?" Toy Freddy snapped at me.
"This is my house and I could easily go get my shotgun and shoot you," I said standing up and glaring at him. I thought to myself, I don't have a shotgun. I really hope this threat worked.
Every animatronic turned and looked at me with either their jaw dropped or their robotic eyes wide.
"Yeah. I will go get it. It is just in the other room. And I will blast your head off if you try anything." I tried saying with confidence even though I knew it was a lie.
"Calm down. We are not going to blow anyone's head off." Freddy said in his weezy old man voice.
Right after he said that, my phone buzzed in my pocket. I pulled it out and checked it. It was a message from my close friend, Amber.
"com 2 mall. Drew is here. C u in 1 min. "
My face started to get red from blushing. Then I heard a voice that brought me out of my thoughts.
"Eh, Lass, what might that be?" Mangle said while looking at my phone in my hand.
"Oh...this?" I replied while moving my phone to indicate I was talking about it.
"Yes meh lass," Foxy countered.
"Well this is my cellular device a.k.a. my phone,"
"Does it hurt people?" Chica asked.
"More importantly does it kill animatronics?" Toy Bonnie asked with worry in her voice.
"Don't worry guys, it doesn't hurt or kill anyone or thing," I said to reassure them, "well I have an idea. Let's go to the mall!"
Toy Freddy snapped out of the daze he was in. "What?!?! Are you agreeing with Toy Chica?!?!" There are guys here! We, guys, are not going shopping!!"
"Toy Freddy, I never said shopping. I said mall," I had to retaliate some how, "anyways I'm not going to leave you toys here at my house, which you could destroy."
They all looked at me. And I gave an official nod to prove my point.
"B-b-but w-w-why?" Balloon Girl said while looking at me through innocent pink eyes.
I looked at her. I felt bad for some reason. Is that her job in the game? I thought to myself.
"Well, Balloon Girl, my friend wants me to meet her there at the mall and I am not going to leave you guys here at my house," I said with sympathy in my voice.
"Oh...makes sense. She doesn't want us to destroy her house," Bonnie said with understanding.
"Well listen up, we are going to be leaving now. So line up and let's go," I snapped with authority in my voice.
All the animatronics lined up and followed me out of my house. They were all standing in the driveway while I turned around and locked my door. I turned back around at them and shook my head. They were messing up my flowers and yard!!
"Listen up. When you are with me. You listen to me. You do what I say. And you don't talk back. You understand?"
They just nodded their heads fearfully at me.
"Good. Now, follow me and don't talk back," I was angry. How would I ever survive with Somehow, Puppet read my mind.
"Why do you call us toys?"
I wiped around with an expression of shock on my face.
"Who said I call you toys?"
"Well earlier you called us toys," Puppet countered.
Thank God. He didn't read my mind.
"Oh...I was angry. So I had to come up with an insult."
"Ok. But that doesn't explain why you called us toys just now."
Crap. He does read minds. I just turned around. I'm done with these guys.
We walked the 2-3 miles to the mall. They almost started fighting but my mother side came out. And it ended almost as fast as it started.
We got to the mall and I was about to walk in when the "toys" decided to stop me and ask what they should do.
"I don't care what you do. Just some rules though. 1. Do not steal anything. Because I will not bail you out of jail. 2. Do not destroy anything. I know you are big, but I don't want to pay for anything. And 3. Do not, I repeat do not bother me at all for any reason. I'm going to spend time with my friends and I don't want you embarrassing me. Okay? Thanks. See you later," I turned back around and practically sprinted inside.
When I got into the food court, I saw Amber. She saw me too and stood up and started waving her arms like crazy. Typical Amber. I walked over to her and the one person I actually truly like in this stupid world was sitting across from her at the table she was at.
His name is Andrew. His eyes are an ocean blue. They sparkle like the ocean too. His hair is a light cappacino brown that swoops to the side. He looks like he should live in California because he has a "Farmer's" tan and wears a white necklace.
I sat next to Amber because I was too afraid to sit next to Andrew. I looked over at Amber and she was texting, like usual.
"Who are you texting now, Amber?" I ask solemnly.
She whipped up to look at me.
"Who do you think? I'm obviously text Randy." She gave me an 'are you serious' look.
I put my hands up in surrender. I wasn't about to get into an argument with her.
Randy is Amber's boyfriend. He plays football and is very buff. He is a major jock too. The perfect couple. Amber, the blonde haired, girly cheerleader, with Randy, the football jock.
Everytime I see them together it makes something in me die, I feel it. The reason for that is because I want a boyfriend that would look at me like Randy looks at Amber. But I'm a stereotypical nerd. And no one likes a nerd.
That was when Toy Freddy came over.
"Rebecca. What do you think your doing? Leaving us there? Are you insane?"
That snapped me out of my thoughts. And then I realized I was staring at Andrew. Oh no. I hope he didn't notice. And what the heck! I thought I told them to leave me alone!
"Toy Freddy, do you have cloth ears?! I told you guys to leave me alone!!" I snapped. This is going to be harder than I actually imagined.

Hey! Sorry it took me so long to write this chapter. There was exams and then I've been busy since then. Haha. Well, one like equals one update. Thanks to all who read this.

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