"𝑖𝑙𝑙 𝑛𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑟 𝑙𝑒𝑎𝑣𝑒.."

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Tw: little bit of y/ns backstory. TW SA, ALCOHOL, SWEARING, DRUGS

Me and Camilo went to school on our skateboards. We had the same English class, and we liked to pass notes. He passed me a note that said something about liking the popular blonde girl, Amelia. I got jealous and wrote back on the note, "Maybe you should shoot your shot" I handed him the note back, jealous almost talking over.. After school, he asked me to go to his place. It was about 9:30 and I was getting tired. "Do you wanna sleep, Y/n?" He looked at me. I nodded. "Yeah.. I'm tired.." "here. You can borrow one of my shirts." He handed me one of his shirts and I put it on, loving how it smelled like him.. I was nervous about this because i didnt really trust men a whole lot, but e and him layed down on the bed together, my face a little flushed. I think I might like him a little, yet I'm still not sure..

The next morning

I woke up to the feeling of a hand on my forehead. I snuggled closer to what ever was holding my forehead, and I opened my eyes. It was Camilo. "Good morning, Y/n..." he smiled, pulling me by my arms as a joke. I giggled. "Good morning, asshole..." I panicked and looked at the time. "Y/n it's fine! It's Saturday.. we don't have school." I relaxed. "Oh.. okay.." I closed my eyes and he asked me something. "Wanna go drinking with my friends?" I nodded and got some clothes on, just normal jeans and a T-shirt.. I was looking at myself in the mirror and he came up behind me and started whispering. "You look nice, y/n. None of my friends better take my best friend away from me." he laughed and punched my arm randomly, making me laugh. "Thank you.." he grabbed my hand and laughed. "Come on! Let's go!" He ran, wnd I followed after him. Once we arrive at the party, he immediately starting drinking. One of his friends walked over to me and started rubbing my thighs. I flinched, and that person just winked. "How about we take this to the next room, baby?" They whispered, their eyes on my boobs. "I-i.." i teared up. Chino came over. "Leave her alone you douche bag." He said, giving them a death stare look. Once they walked off, Chino put his drink down and hugged me tightly. "Are you okay?" I nodded a little. "What did he do to you?" He asked. "H-he rubbed my thighs and asked if i wanted to take it to the other room.." i looked down. Chino grabbed my hand and took me home, laying me on his bed. "Ill sleep on the couch, okay?" I nodded. "Okay." Chino had known what had happened to me in the past. Being raped. My own mother got paid for grown men to rape me when I was only 11. I had no father figure growing up either. My dad left when I was just a baby, and my brother died when I was 6. Chino was really all I had left. My mother was heavy on drugs and the rest of the family thought I was no good. Chino helped me so much over the years, and I'm glad I don't stress him out with all my problems..

[A/n] hi! You are amazing:))))))) 471 words

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