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A/c: yall idrk what to make for story chapter shit so I'm js gonna put a number 😭 TW: MENTIONS OF SMUT, POSSIBLY SH AND SUICIDE, loads of swearing pookie 😜

       Chino told me he was going on a date with one of my friends. How did I feel about this? Completely ENRAGED. This fucker probably knew she wad my friend! I just let out a simple, "oh." I've never felt so destroyed. I got up amd waved Chino off to get ready. "That stupid fucking bastard.. " I muttered angrily.

     While he was gone, I tried to keep myself busy with cleaning his apartment a little. I was going through his room when I found a giant box.. it was full of pictures from his high school years. Since I wasn't keeping track of time, I jolted up when I heard the door open. "Y/n! I'm home!" I panicked. "Shit! Shit shit shit!" I rushed to put his things away, but it was too late. He caught me snooping. "Y/n.. what the fuck are you doing going through my shit?" He stared at me, his fists clenched. "I-I was just cleaning.. i-im sorry.." I muttered. He just scoffed. "Whatever. Clean it up."

      I was on my phone, calling my friend in my room. "So yeah, I was snooping, and then he— oh shit wait Valerie he's coming. What do you want, Chino?" I watched him come in my room. "Oh. Y/n, I'm going out with the guys. You wanna come? I mean, their girlfriends will be there too.." I smirked. "What? You calling me one of your girlfriends or sum?" I watched the blood rush to his cheeks. "N-No! I'm just saying that you don't have to hangout with us gu—" I busted out laughing. "Chino, I know what you ment I'm just fucking you sideways, you dumbass. I secretly hung up with my friend. "Fine Chino I'll go.." I rubbed my head. "Will there be whiskey and shit?" I watched him nod.

     Hours later, I was talking with his friends' girlfriends. Chi's girlfriend, Adrienne, turned to me. "How come you're single?" She asked. I shrugged. "Well.. I really like Chino, but.. he's always out on dates and shit.. I feel like he's not loyal and shit, yk?" All of them nodded. Abe's girlfriend, Annalyn, (yes ik that's his ex, but it's 1997/98 atm) wrapped her arm around my shoulder. "Oh my fuck, girl. Just ask him out!" All of the girls giggled. Adrienne looked at me. "Don't worry, hot stuff. Annalyn and I will help you. We'll try to convince him to— Oh shit. Y/n here he comes, say something!" I rolled my eyes at the girl drama bullshit. I turned to Chino. "What's up, dipshit? Need a beer or sum?" I was being sarcastic about another beer, as he seemed drunk enough. He sighed. "Y/n.. I wanna talk yo you." All of the girls went."ooooo~" I groaned. "Oh, take a dick up your ass! He just wants to talk." I took Chino's hand and led him outside. "What's wrong..?" I looked into his eyes, concerned. He then pulled me in tightly, kissing me hard. My eyes widened. "Chino what are you— mphm!" I frooze up. He was french kissing me, that dumb fucker. He pulled away slowly, his hands then slipping down to my hips. "Y/n.. I love you.."

     45 minutes later, I walked over to Chino and his friends. "Yo, can I sit with yall? Your dumbass girlfriends are so loud and it's giving me a migraine.." I watched Chino open his arms. "Yeah, of course y/n. come sit with me.." I blushed and sat next to him, burying my face in his neck. "my fucking head hurts.."

      Around 9:30, I was so tired. I walked into chinos room. "Hey, your friends are sleeping downstairs.." I say tiredly. I was super exhausted. He sighed. "Y/n.. come lay with me, youre exhausted.." I frowned and crawled in bed with him. He wrapped his arms around my waist tightly. "Tomorrow my band has our concert... you wanna come with?" I felt my heart spark with interest. "Hell yeah!" I giggled and cuddled him. Then, therr was a knock at the door, the all of his friends barged in. "Chino! Chino! We gotta go!" I whined. "Guys fuck off! Just go sleep!" They sighed. "Fine! We just wanted to fuck with Chino." Inl watched them walk out. I then opened the window next to Chino and fell asleep..

                 •~after the concert~•

I was walking back to the tour bus when I felt Chino scoop me up in his arms. I laughed. "Put me down, fucker!" He laughed and put me down. "Jesus, you fucker. Quit yelling at me, darlin'!" He spoke in a weird southern accent. Chino went to the bed in the back of the bus while I made him a mixed drink. I came in the back room, shutting the door. "Here's your drink." I sat down on the bed. "Uhm.. chino.. what are we?" I stared at him. Chino cleared his throat. "Whatever you want us to be.." I thought hard. "I wanna be your girlfriend.." He smirked and pulled me up on his lap. "Girlfriend it is.." he pulled my hair so I could come down to kiss him.. he pushed me off of him, ordering me around like a slave. "Shut the damn curtains.." I nodded quickly and shut them. "So.. my friends ain't here.. wanna like make out or something..? Maybe even fuck if we get lucky?" He smirked at me. I frooze. "U-uhm.. Sure.."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14 ⏰

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