Chapter 20

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Swirling around me in the air the gods danced. They ran about from crevice to crevice—always ducking but never disappearing from sight. A giant held up the sky; misshapen forms crept beneath fragmented mountains. The movement of each god hinted at their power and divinity. The only problem was, I knew none of them. The great city that we had built all but banned any mention of deity. Their names and stories were reduced to rubble. The only mention of creatures such as these came in the form of "fate" or whispered hushes out of the lips of the shaman or Matua. I knew they were gods; they were the reason why fate brought me here. Twisting in the darkness their silhouettes broke the silence with echos that rippled across untouched surfaces. I still couldn't hear them over the ringing in my ears. Becoming angrier they rained bits of stone down on me—attempting to burry me alive. I don't think they consider dying in a cave burial enough. I closed my eyes, not wanting to watch the gods celebrate my death.


Piper? What was she doing down here? No, it was just a trick. I wouldn't look; not this time.


I felt a few rock flakes tumble onto my shins before she scrambled to my side. Her delicate hands dusted off the crystals from my chest. The vibrations hummed through the earth as they bounced—combining with my beating heart that she was so intently searching for. I think she found it because her hands traveled up my neck, smearing a cut on my jaw. Wincing I slowly opened my eyes, blinking to focus on Piper. The gods danced behind her. Worry played across her face. She said something but I couldn't understand it. I heard it, I just couldn't piece it all together. Scooting closer to me she gingerly put my head in her lap, combing her fingers through my unruly hair. I closed my eyes until the silence surrounding me blended into a soft melody.


"You can hear me now, can you?"

I ignored her question.

"Either I've lost my mind, or that is another language."

"I think it is a bit of both. What were you doing coming all the way down here? Your failsafe was a flightless bird?!"

"Well Tane did a good job didn't he?" I grinned, she sounded more concerned than angry. "So, what song is that?"

"It's one that my father taught me," she mindlessly tousled my hair, "a long, long time ago."

"What does it mean?"

"It's a legend about our people. The story of how one day Mana Tapu will restore our connection to the gods."

I bolted upright, throwing my momentum onto my feet. The sudden rush of blood dimmed the etherial story depicted around us for a moment. Piper jumped to her feet in an attempt to steady me. I could get up alright, but staying there was the hard part. I just about fell over again when I looked around at the intricate carvings. Chiseled detail was defined by old paint. Growing within the deepest grooves were strands of blue webbing. Star dew hung from random pieces, making me feel like I was having a psychedelic episode. The center of the cavern was full of a swirling, iridescent pool that caught the light; dragging it into the heart of the depths. Her kind hand held me still as I soaked in the sight. This was definitely not an exit. If anything it was an entrance to the fate's world. I slumped to the ground as my knees gave out beneath me.

"Well that was a dumb move." Piper shook her head. "What did you do that for?"


"Yes, Mana Tapu. What about him?"

"My Matua called me that a very long time ago. It all started when I got this blasted Manaia tattoo." I absentmindedly traced the whale's tail. "What does it mean?"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2022 ⏰

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