Back To The Past

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Mount Olympus: Throne Room.

The gods were arguing in the throne room as per usual on Olympus, Poseidon and Athena were having their usual back and forth banter and name calling. Demeter was yelling at Hades about her daughter and to eat more cereal while the lord of the underworld was trying (and failing) to ignore her. Hera was yelling at Zeus for a number of reasons but the main one was the fact he had cheated on her even though it was years ago, Hestia was sitting by the fire observing her family. 

Hephaestus was tinkering with some metal scrap while Aphrodite was applying some lip stick. Ares was enjoying the chaos around him while Dionysus was drinking his diet coke while reading his wine magazine. Apollo and Artemis were having your typical sibling banter, who was born first, dont call me that, etc..

Suddenly a bright flash of light filled the room and then dissapeared leaving a bunch of teenagers fell in a pile on the floor. "WHO DARES TO INTERUPT THIS MEETING?!" Zeus thundered angrily. Just then the three fates themselves appeared in front of the olympian council and all three spoke at once. 

"Hear us Olympians of the past, we have seen the world erupt in chaos twice and twice you have nearly fallen if not for the heroes that we have brought from the future. We have decided to act and allow you to read about the events to pass, as such you are forbidden to harm them in any manner. We urge you heed our warning.

"Well then children, why dont you introduce yourselves to us." Hestia said with a warm smile. The group of teenagers who at this point, had all stood up, looked around and nudged a boy forward. He sighed and stood in front of the group, "Percy Jackson son of Poseidon." Zeus glared at Poseidon clearly not happy, however the more attentive gods in the room like Athena, Hestia, and Hermes noticed that he looked almost excactly like Poseidon with the only difference being the beard.

Next was a girl with curly honey blond hair and grey eyes, "Annabeth Chase daughter of Athena and architect of Olympus." Athena smiled at her daughter and Annabeth smiled back at her while a few others wondered why Olympus needed an architect.

The next one up was a boy with shaggy black hair and pale white skin and dark eyes that held a wild glint in them. "Nico Di Angelo son of Hades before the oath was made." Zeus turned to Hades but the god of the underworld just rolled his eyes at his brother and regarded his son with a ghost of a smile that only Nico saw.

A girl with  shoulder-length, spiky black hair, electric blue eyes and a silver circlet on her head stepped forward. "Thalia Grace daughter of Zeus and Lieutenant of Artemis." Hera turned to Zeus and gave him a harsh glare, not happy with the fact that she had been cheated on. Artemis smiled at Thalia but a thought ran through her mind, 'What happened to Zoe?'  Zeus was slightly confused because last he checked she was a tree.

A boy with shaggy blond hair and blue eyes stepped forward. "Will Solace son of Apollo." Apollo gave his son a blinding smile quite litterally. Next up was a satyr with brown eyes and brown hair. "Grover Underwood Lord of the wild." Hermes sat up in his throne with concern. 'what happened to Pan?' 

Next up was a boy with close cropped blond hair, electric blue eyes and a small scar on his lip. "Jason Grace son of Jupiter." The gods briefly shifted to their roman aspects before returning to their greek aspects then Hera glared at Zeus again but this time managed to make him shift uncomfortably in his seat.

After him was a girl with chocolate-brown hair that was cut choppy and unevenly, and had thin strands braided down on the sides. Her eyes changed color like a kaleidoscope. "Im Piper McLean, daughter of Aphrodite." Aphrodite had a very big smile and nearly squealed in delight.

A boy with curly black hair, dark brown eyes and a mischevious grin stepped up as he fiddled with some wires. "Names Leo Valdez, son of Hepaestus and supreme commander and builder of the Argo 2." Hephaestus studied Leo closely then nodded and went back to his project.

After Leo stepped back a girl with shoulder-length curly cinnamon brown hair and gold eyes stepped up. "Hazel Levesque daughter of Pluto, also born before the oath and centurion of the fifth cohort." As she stepped back a stocky boy stepped forward nervously. "Frank Zhang son of Mars and centurion of the fifth cohort." As the Gods had their personality shift Frank could have sworn he saw Mars look down at him with a smirk but it happened too fast to be sure so he decided not to think about it to much. Up next was a burly girl with light brown hair and brown eyes. "Clarisse La Rue daughter of Ares." Ares now back in his greek form nodded his head and went back to inspecting his knife.

Up next were two identical boys with the same brown hair, blue eyes and a mischievous smiles. "Im Connor Stoll."

"Im Travis Stoll."

"And we are both sons of Hermes! Pranksters extrodinare at your service!" Hermes grinned at them while the demigods rolled their eyes at the twins antics, then a girl with light brown hair and green eyes that looked like foliage stepped up. "Im Katie Gardner and im the daughter of Demeter." Demeter looked her up and down befoer nodding, possibly at the assumption that her daughter ate plenty of cereal. Up next was a girl with black hair and obsidian black eyes, "I am Reyna Avila Ramirez-Arellano, daughter of Bellona and preator of the twelfth legion." Then the final teen stepped up to introduce himself, he had brown eyes and black hair. "Chris Rodriguez and im a son of Hermes." Hermes smiled at him noting that he was a bit calmer than Connor and Travis.

As he stepped back Hestia clapped her hands and smiled. "Well now that we're all aquainted lets get you children comfortible." With a wave of her hand five couches appeared near the central hearth. As the demigods took their seats Apollo picked up the first book and read the title. "Lightning theif huh? Well this ought to be interesting." Percy, Annabeth and Grover all tensed at the title before Percy sighed and sank into his chosen couch next to Annabeth and Grover. "Well lets get this over with already."

And with that Apollo read the title of the first chapter.


Honestly its about time i got the first chapter done. so now that it is ill go and continue to write on other stories and try to get more updates out.

this story will update slowly but i am resolute to go all the way to the end and get through every book.

anyway thanks for reading constructive critisim is welcome and have a wonderful day.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18 ⏰

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