ch 3

1K 23 46

danil arrive at the pcastel

danil: woahhh
cake: hei
danle: hellao caek
jake: *blushes*
daniel: *blsuhes*

servanr: everyone attention
danke: hm???
sevrent: the prnce will now be choosing his wife

daniel si shocked to see the pirnce bc it was...gun

everyone: woahhhhhhhhhh.... ooo......
dnaiel in thoughs: gun..?!?!
gun: daniel...

everyone gasps as gun kisses him

dankel reslises the time and runs out of thd castel
it was midnight!!!!!!!!!

gun: wati! *grab hand* dont leave
daniel: incant.... *lets go of hand and rusn*

next day

gun reach for danidl then finaly he find hjm

he proposes and eveyrone sojealousy

in tne future.....

danile maries gun and they adopt a sex toy as their child

the end


what a beautiful heart warming story
teared up

love at first sight😍😍😍😍😍✨😘😘 || daniel x everyone 🥺Where stories live. Discover now